zonemetal > groupes > Napalm Death
NAPALM DEATH | biographie / discographie / line up

style : Grindcore / Death
pays : Angleterre
formé en : 1982
membres :
- Mark 'Barney' Greenway (chant)
- Jesse Pintado (guitare)
- Mitch Harris (guitare)
- Shane Embury (basse)
- Danny Herrera (batterie)
site officiel :
- Mark 'Barney' Greenway (chant)
- Jesse Pintado (guitare)
- Mitch Harris (guitare)
- Shane Embury (basse)
- Danny Herrera (batterie)
site officiel :
C'est en 1982 que Napalm Death voit le jour à Ipswich, en Angleterre.
Débutant comme un groupe de Heavy, la formation évolue vers du Thrash.
C'est alors en 1987 que Napalm Death sort son premier album Scum, publié sur le propre label du groupe, à savoir Earache (mal d'oreille)
Ce premier opus est enregistré avec deux lineups différents. Le premier se compose de Justin Broadrick (guitare), Nick Bullen (chant + basse) et Mick Harris (batterie)
Le second de Bill Steer (guitare), Jim Whitely (basse), Lee Dorrian (chant) et de nouveau Mick Harris.
L'année suivante, en 1988, le groupe publie un second album marathon (54 titres!) : From Enslavement To Obliteration.
Le chanteur Lee Dorian quitte alors la formation anglaise pour créer Carcass.
Le lineup évolue à nouveau et Napalm Death refait son apparition en 1990 avec les guitaristes Jesse Pintado et Mitch Harris ainsi que le chanteur Mark Greenway.
Harmony Corruption sort alors dans les bacs.
Deux ans plus tard, en 1992, le batteur Mick Harris fonde à son tour un groupe : Scorn.
Danny Herrera prend alors sa place au sein de Napalm Death qui enregistre Utopia Banished.
Fear, Emptiness, Despair voit alors le jour en 1994, Diatribes en 1996 et Words From The Exit Wound en 1999.
Deux ans plus tard, Napalm Death sort Enemy Of The Music Business.
Cet album sera suivi de Order Of The Leech en 2002.
Noise For Music's Sake sort l'année suivante, en 2003.
En 2004, Napalm Death revient avec un album de reprises : Leaders Not Followers Part 2.
acheter cet album
album : Utilitarian
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 2012

album : Utilitarian
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 2012
01- Circumspect
02- Errors In The Signals
03- Everyday Pox
04- Protection Racket
05- The Wolf I Feed
06- Quarantined
07- Fall On Their Swords
08- Collision Course
09- Orders Of Magnitude
10- Think Tank Trials
11- Blank Look About Face
12- Leper Colony
13- Nom De Guerre
14- Analysis Paralysis
15- Opposite Repellent
16- A Gag Reflex
17- Aim Without An Aim (bonus)
18- Everything In Mono (bonus)
02- Errors In The Signals
03- Everyday Pox
04- Protection Racket
05- The Wolf I Feed
06- Quarantined
07- Fall On Their Swords
08- Collision Course
09- Orders Of Magnitude
10- Think Tank Trials
11- Blank Look About Face
12- Leper Colony
13- Nom De Guerre
14- Analysis Paralysis
15- Opposite Repellent
16- A Gag Reflex
17- Aim Without An Aim (bonus)
18- Everything In Mono (bonus)
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acheter cet album
album : Time Waits For No Slave
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 2009

album : Time Waits For No Slave
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 2009
01- Strong Arm
02- Diktat
03- Work To Rule
04- On The Brink Of Extinction
05- Time Waits For No Slave
06- Life And Limb
07- Downbeat Clique
08- Fallacy Dominion
09- Passive Tense
10- Larceny Of The Heart
11- Procrastination
12- Feeling Redundant
13- A No Sided Argument
14- Ad Nauseum
02- Diktat
03- Work To Rule
04- On The Brink Of Extinction
05- Time Waits For No Slave
06- Life And Limb
07- Downbeat Clique
08- Fallacy Dominion
09- Passive Tense
10- Larceny Of The Heart
11- Procrastination
12- Feeling Redundant
13- A No Sided Argument
14- Ad Nauseum
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acheter cet album
album : Smear Campaign
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 2006

album : Smear Campaign
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 2006
01- Weltschmerz (Intro)
02- Sink Fast Let Go
03- Fatalist
04- Puritanical Punishment Beating
05- Well All is Said And Done
06- Freedom is the Wage of Sin
07- In Deference
08- Short Lived
09- Identity Crisis
10- Shattered Existence
11- Eyes Right Out
12- Warped Beyond Logic
13- Rabid Wolves for Christ
14- Deaf & Dumbstruck
15- Persona Non Grata
16- Smear Campaign
02- Sink Fast Let Go
03- Fatalist
04- Puritanical Punishment Beating
05- Well All is Said And Done
06- Freedom is the Wage of Sin
07- In Deference
08- Short Lived
09- Identity Crisis
10- Shattered Existence
11- Eyes Right Out
12- Warped Beyond Logic
13- Rabid Wolves for Christ
14- Deaf & Dumbstruck
15- Persona Non Grata
16- Smear Campaign
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acheter cet album
album : The Code Is Red… Long Live The Code
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 2005

album : The Code Is Red… Long Live The Code
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 2005
01- Silence Is Deafening
02- Right You Are
03- Diplomatic Immunity
04- The Code Is Red... Long Live The Code
05- Climate Controllers
06- Instruments Of Persuasion
07- The Great And The Good
08- Sold Short
09- All Hail The Grey Dawn
10- Vegetative State
11- Pay For The Privilege Of Breathing
12- Pledge Yourself To You
13- Striding Purposefully Backwards
14- Morale
15- Our Pain Is Their Power
02- Right You Are
03- Diplomatic Immunity
04- The Code Is Red... Long Live The Code
05- Climate Controllers
06- Instruments Of Persuasion
07- The Great And The Good
08- Sold Short
09- All Hail The Grey Dawn
10- Vegetative State
11- Pay For The Privilege Of Breathing
12- Pledge Yourself To You
13- Striding Purposefully Backwards
14- Morale
15- Our Pain Is Their Power
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acheter cet album
album : Order Of The Leech
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 2002

album : Order Of The Leech
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 2002
01- Continuing War On Stupidity
02- The Icing On The Hate
03- Forced To Fear
04- Narcoleptic
05- Out Of Sight Out Of Mind
06- To Lower Yourself (Blind Servitude)
07- Lowest Common Denominator
08- Forewarned Is Disarmed ?
09- Per Capita
10- Farce And Fiction
11- Blows To The Body
12- The Great Capitulator
02- The Icing On The Hate
03- Forced To Fear
04- Narcoleptic
05- Out Of Sight Out Of Mind
06- To Lower Yourself (Blind Servitude)
07- Lowest Common Denominator
08- Forewarned Is Disarmed ?
09- Per Capita
10- Farce And Fiction
11- Blows To The Body
12- The Great Capitulator
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acheter cet album
album : Leaders Not Followers
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 2000

album : Leaders Not Followers
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 2000
01- Politicians
02- Incinerator
03- Demonic Possession
04- Maggots In Your Coffin
05- Back From The Dead
06- Nazi Punks Fuck Off
02- Incinerator
03- Demonic Possession
04- Maggots In Your Coffin
05- Back From The Dead
06- Nazi Punks Fuck Off
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acheter cet album
album : Inside The Torn Apart
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 1997

album : Inside The Torn Apart
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 1997
01- Breed To Breathe
02- Birth In Regress
03- Section
04- Reflect On Conflict
05- Down In The Zero
06- Inside The Torn Apart
07- If Symptoms Persist
08- Prelude
09- Indispose
10- Purist-Realist
11- Lowpoint
12- The Lifeless Alarm
02- Birth In Regress
03- Section
04- Reflect On Conflict
05- Down In The Zero
06- Inside The Torn Apart
07- If Symptoms Persist
08- Prelude
09- Indispose
10- Purist-Realist
11- Lowpoint
12- The Lifeless Alarm
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acheter cet album
album : Death By Manipulation
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 1992

album : Death By Manipulation
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 1992
01- Mass Appeal Madness
02- Pride Assassin
03- Unchallenged Hate
04- Social Sterility
05- Suffer The Children
06- Siege Of Power
07- Harmony Corruption
08- Rise Above
09- The Missing Link
10- Mentally Murdered
11- Walls Of Confinement
12- Cause & Effect
13- No Mental Effort
14- Multinational Corporations
15- Re-Adress The Problem
16- Changing Colours
17- From The Ashes
18- Understanding
19- Stalemate
02- Pride Assassin
03- Unchallenged Hate
04- Social Sterility
05- Suffer The Children
06- Siege Of Power
07- Harmony Corruption
08- Rise Above
09- The Missing Link
10- Mentally Murdered
11- Walls Of Confinement
12- Cause & Effect
13- No Mental Effort
14- Multinational Corporations
15- Re-Adress The Problem
16- Changing Colours
17- From The Ashes
18- Understanding
19- Stalemate
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acheter cet album
album : Utopia Banished
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 1992

album : Utopia Banished
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 1992
01- Discordance
02- I Abstain
03- Dementia Access
04- Christening Of The Blind
05- The World Keeps Turning
06- Idiosyncratic
07- Aryanisms
08- Cause And Effect (Pt.2)
09- Judicial Slime
10- Distorting The Medium
11- Got Time To Kill
12- Upward And Uninterested
13- Exile
14- Awake (To A Life Of Misery)
15- Contemptuous
02- I Abstain
03- Dementia Access
04- Christening Of The Blind
05- The World Keeps Turning
06- Idiosyncratic
07- Aryanisms
08- Cause And Effect (Pt.2)
09- Judicial Slime
10- Distorting The Medium
11- Got Time To Kill
12- Upward And Uninterested
13- Exile
14- Awake (To A Life Of Misery)
15- Contemptuous
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acheter cet album
album : Harmony Corruption
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 1990

album : Harmony Corruption
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 1990
01- Vision Conquest
02- In The Truth Be Known
03- Inner Incineration
04- Malicious Intent
05- Unfit Earth
06- Circle Of Hypocrisy
07- The Chains That Bind Us
08- Mindsnare
09- Extremity Retained
10- Suffer The Children
11- Hiding Behind
02- In The Truth Be Known
03- Inner Incineration
04- Malicious Intent
05- Unfit Earth
06- Circle Of Hypocrisy
07- The Chains That Bind Us
08- Mindsnare
09- Extremity Retained
10- Suffer The Children
11- Hiding Behind
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acheter cet album
album : Scum
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 1987

album : Scum
groupe : Napalm Death
sortie : 1987
01- Multinational Corporations
02- Instinct Of Survival
03- The Kill
04- Scum
05- Caught...In A Dream
06- Polluted Minds
07- Sacrificed
08- Siege Of Power
09- Control
10- Born On Your Knees
11- Human Garbage
12- You Suffer
13- Life ?
14- Prison Without Walls
15- Point Of No Return
16- Negative Approach
17- Success ?
18- Deceiver
19- C.S. (Conservative Shithead)
20- Parasites
21- Pseudo Youth
22- Divine Death
23- As The Machine Rolls On...
24- Common Enemy
25- Moral Crusade
26- Stigmatized
27- M.A.D.
28- Dragnet
02- Instinct Of Survival
03- The Kill
04- Scum
05- Caught...In A Dream
06- Polluted Minds
07- Sacrificed
08- Siege Of Power
09- Control
10- Born On Your Knees
11- Human Garbage
12- You Suffer
13- Life ?
14- Prison Without Walls
15- Point Of No Return
16- Negative Approach
17- Success ?
18- Deceiver
19- C.S. (Conservative Shithead)
20- Parasites
21- Pseudo Youth
22- Divine Death
23- As The Machine Rolls On...
24- Common Enemy
25- Moral Crusade
26- Stigmatized
27- M.A.D.
28- Dragnet
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The Serenity Of Suffering
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Hardwired...To Self-Destruct
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Bad Magic
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The Satanist
Paradise Lost [ paroles ]
The Plague Within