zonemetal > paroles > Napalm Death > Death By Manipulation
Death By Manipulation | paroles / lyrics
acheter cet album
01- Mass Appeal Madness
02- Pride Assassin
03- Unchallenged Hate
04- Social Sterility
05- Suffer The Children
06- Siege Of Power
07- Harmony Corruption
08- Rise Above
09- The Missing Link
10- Mentally Murdered
11- Walls Of Confinement
12- Cause & Effect
13- No Mental Effort
14- Multinational Corporations
15- Re-Adress The Problem
16- Changing Colours
17- From The Ashes
18- Understanding
19- Stalemate
02- Pride Assassin
03- Unchallenged Hate
04- Social Sterility
05- Suffer The Children
06- Siege Of Power
07- Harmony Corruption
08- Rise Above
09- The Missing Link
10- Mentally Murdered
11- Walls Of Confinement
12- Cause & Effect
13- No Mental Effort
14- Multinational Corporations
15- Re-Adress The Problem
16- Changing Colours
17- From The Ashes
18- Understanding
19- Stalemate
Mass Appeal Madness
Tell me, assure me
I really can't relate to your dishonesty
Dissention, seeking attention
Yet segregation from the ones that really cared
Tell me, assure me
I really can't relate to your dishonesty
Cash styled deadhead, no conscience or opinions
Material gain bar happiness means shit
It means shit
Mass appeal madness eats your brain
False influence like a leach
Sucking dry your veins
Public eyes see fit your second face
Freakshow - fooling those who imitate
Clever marketing to dominate
Screwing those who gave you your big break
And when the bubble bursts
Exposing your selfish crap
You'll cry for sympathy
We'll just sit back and laugh
Pride Assassin
Brought forth into an acceptance
Expected mass production
All cloned to obey without fall
To question means breaking the mould
To turn your back, that courage you lack
Or live in pretence
In youth confused
Prime for manipulation
And open sore cursed with their social infections
Absorb to be seen as a failure
Nor fit to breathe the air we take in
Pride assasin
True feelings call for deviation
But could you face mass condemnation ?
Pride assasin
Backed into a corner
Why should you adhere to their illusions
And their orders
Willing to dictate yet for themselves exemption
Evaluate your brain form your own opinions
To be an induvidual - compassionate and free
Unchallenged Hate
A chronic complaint of dimness
Prevails your profound ideology
A romantic version of a master race
Attained through coercive froms of authority
Your observance is negigence
If you see the threat from different cultures
We're all in this sinking ship
Each of us together
Where does the whiteman stand ?
Where does the blackman stand ?
Where do we all fucking stand ?
Knee deep in shit
Look into yourself
And you'll find the real oppressor
To a life of unchallenged hate
It's yourself who's the nigger
Social Sterility
Time for omittance
From a sterile existance
Where the weekend pays homage
To stereotypicalperpetuation
Must inebriate my senses
Into a state of delirium
Before I turn to the meatrack
For my penial selection
Apathy spreads
In unison with sexual disease
A scourge that infests
The cattle markets of youth
Unconscious just promiscuous
Deprived of self respect
In the selling of their bodies
All emotions dead
Thoughts absorbed
Lost in sense of direction
It's time to sit down
And re-assess my course of action
Suffer The Children
Your unflappable conceptions
Moralistic views
Never open to criticism
Your overpowering ruse
Promise of sanctuary
In eternal bliss
With starry eyes and cash in hand
Pledge all to the master plan
Just face the truth or fund the farce
At one with your god
Your sole untent
Your treasured place assured
For a substantial rent
Global lunacy
Death threats for supposed blasphemy
No room for free thought
All non believers pushed to the floor
Aggressive tyrants
Supposed saints for the cause
Judgement through force
Faith a fuel for pointless wars
When all is done
Who shall benefit ?
Who is the one ?
Not those who pass on
But those dictators divine waving their deceitfull wands
Siege Of Power
Siege of power in your land
Too many problems for you to understand
Siege of power inside your mind
Outward restrictions to keep you in line
Siege of power in your land
Too many problems - for you to understand
You're a slave to their power
you never questioned why
you were born to suffer
you are going to die
Siege of power, they made you a tool
While others were ruling you were being ruled
Harmony Corruption
[ Instrumental ]
Rise Above
At the time of birth
Minds free from suspicion
Senses raped
Induced with superstition
A pre-set mode
To benefit description
Language, colour
Race definition
Inner strength must detect
The love we each possess
Before we may reach
Appreciating it in anyone else
External distinctions
Used as scapegoats to problems
Channeling our aggression
In the wrong direction
Break down the barriers
That enforce superstition
Learn to trust
Overcome suspicion
Acceptance, the weapon
Active against our freedom
Our love and compassion
Held at treason
Rise above induced superstition
The Missing Link
And intergral sense
Comes with belonging to a scene
Supposedly absent of barriers
(When sexism is one of many)
Earnest words
Calling for unity of the sexes
When she's still the chick, or stupid bitch
(Ridiculed for showing an interest)
Hidden indifference
Strikes an emotion reaction
When you see an animal being abused
Yet un-noticed when a woman
Is abused in the same way
The links of oppression
Stem from the same segradation
But one our eyes are closed
Actively abusing the rights of one
Whilst fighting for those of another
The 'scene' may hold a different name
But the roleplays just the same
Equal rights are fine
As long as she's in her place
Outrightly denouncing fascism
Whilst oblivious to it taking place
Is condemnation of standards
All an act of save face
Unity a stark ambition
When our abuse surpasses recognition
Mentally Murdered
Your aspirations, unable to stretch
Beyond the barriers of what's expected
As the free thought you were born with
Becomes externally ploluted
Lose sight of your ideals
In their brainwashing institutions
Predetermine your values
To befit your substandard existence ...
Discouraging creativity
To aim for empty ambitions
Living up to other's expectations
Takes hold of your assiduity
Mentally murdered!
The will to succeed
Overpowers the will to resist
Mentally murdered!
Always up to the mark
Set the wheels in motion
A fake sense of security
From your invariable position
Sinking in the crowd
A face minus expression
A mouth that echoes words
Recycled from tradition
Your only contentness
Is living in a lie
Mentally murdered!
Do you possess the strength
To re-create your own life ?
Mentally murdered ?
Walls Of Confinement
Before my eyes I see a wall
12,000 miles high
And the same amount wide
Within that wall are faces
Of people
To whom I could once relate
Now communication seems hard
When there's an ego barrier to break through
Opinions of self opinion
Cloud a new horison
The vision a mere illusion
Blased in conclusion
Trapped in seclusion
To the outside - exclusion
When an attitude is so biassed
What can you expect to change ?
Banging your head
But the walls are not moving
It's enclosing
Burning so much energy
Enthusiasm burning
Is change the 'real' obsession ?
Or with a sense of pretention,
Do you merely strive for credible attention ?
Cause & Effect
What are your motives
For your abuse
What can they be ?
Accused of things
I've never done
This seems strange
Your motivation, for my humiliation
I'm pressurised
So many times
By your presence
Your very existance
Has become my obsession
My infatuation with your damnation
I experience
Dangerous thoughts
That are all too real
How can one man
Inflict in me
So much hate
My obsession with your destruction
No Mental Effort
So we're still in our teething stages
As far as politics are concerned
That's fine coming from someone
To whom sensationalism be their only wisdom in words
A self-proclaimed spokesman
On something to which prior knowledge excedes
Championing no more censorship
Then ridiculing our beliefs
To appeal to our better nature
Are we to keep our mouths shut ?
Easy to discard
Constructive power
At your disposal
When egos and sales
Outbalance opinions
On the scales
Using bands
As pawns in your hands
Building up
Knocking down
To suit cheap public demand
Merging with the gutter press
You claim to detest
It's opened it's lid
For you to crawl in and infest
Multinational Corporations
Multi-National Corporations
Genocide of the starving nations
Re-Adress The Problem
Drawing attention to yourself
At anothers expence
Your puritan stance
Carries a certain pretence
When an ego is at stake
There's always a point to make
Bigotted and self opinionated
There is no give and take
Obsessed with changing the world
Not in changing yuorself
Changing Colours
Adapting to different surroundings
Changing views day by day
Too critical of others
When you too are at fault
Several sets of opinions
Like colours to camouflage yourself
Like a fox sly in your manoeuvres
Too soon you'll get caught unawares
Sometimes I feel pity
Sometimes I feel hatred ...
Sometimes you're my friend
Sometimes you're my enemy
I'll never give you the satisfaction
Of knowing how I feel
From The Ashes
So much bitterness
In this so called scene
Self righteous `leaders'
With their own little dream
Walls of confimement
Don't stray too far
Evicted for maturind
Whilst they stagnate
Is anger always a positive reaction ?
Is understanding often subdued by emotion ?
On the path to individual freedom
I'm met with countless obstructions
An external vacuum distorts my observance
Sucking me into the rat race
A weakness makes me gullible
Constantly lured into their traps
Dismantling my motivation
Taking my destination to another step back
Tell me, assure me
I really can't relate to your dishonesty
Dissention, seeking attention
Yet segregation from the ones that really cared
Tell me, assure me
I really can't relate to your dishonesty
Cash styled deadhead, no conscience or opinions
Material gain bar happiness means shit
It means shit
Mass appeal madness eats your brain
False influence like a leach
Sucking dry your veins
Public eyes see fit your second face
Freakshow - fooling those who imitate
Clever marketing to dominate
Screwing those who gave you your big break
And when the bubble bursts
Exposing your selfish crap
You'll cry for sympathy
We'll just sit back and laugh
Pride Assassin
Brought forth into an acceptance
Expected mass production
All cloned to obey without fall
To question means breaking the mould
To turn your back, that courage you lack
Or live in pretence
In youth confused
Prime for manipulation
And open sore cursed with their social infections
Absorb to be seen as a failure
Nor fit to breathe the air we take in
Pride assasin
True feelings call for deviation
But could you face mass condemnation ?
Pride assasin
Backed into a corner
Why should you adhere to their illusions
And their orders
Willing to dictate yet for themselves exemption
Evaluate your brain form your own opinions
To be an induvidual - compassionate and free
Unchallenged Hate
A chronic complaint of dimness
Prevails your profound ideology
A romantic version of a master race
Attained through coercive froms of authority
Your observance is negigence
If you see the threat from different cultures
We're all in this sinking ship
Each of us together
Where does the whiteman stand ?
Where does the blackman stand ?
Where do we all fucking stand ?
Knee deep in shit
Look into yourself
And you'll find the real oppressor
To a life of unchallenged hate
It's yourself who's the nigger
Social Sterility
Time for omittance
From a sterile existance
Where the weekend pays homage
To stereotypicalperpetuation
Must inebriate my senses
Into a state of delirium
Before I turn to the meatrack
For my penial selection
Apathy spreads
In unison with sexual disease
A scourge that infests
The cattle markets of youth
Unconscious just promiscuous
Deprived of self respect
In the selling of their bodies
All emotions dead
Thoughts absorbed
Lost in sense of direction
It's time to sit down
And re-assess my course of action
Suffer The Children
Your unflappable conceptions
Moralistic views
Never open to criticism
Your overpowering ruse
Promise of sanctuary
In eternal bliss
With starry eyes and cash in hand
Pledge all to the master plan
Just face the truth or fund the farce
At one with your god
Your sole untent
Your treasured place assured
For a substantial rent
Global lunacy
Death threats for supposed blasphemy
No room for free thought
All non believers pushed to the floor
Aggressive tyrants
Supposed saints for the cause
Judgement through force
Faith a fuel for pointless wars
When all is done
Who shall benefit ?
Who is the one ?
Not those who pass on
But those dictators divine waving their deceitfull wands
Siege Of Power
Siege of power in your land
Too many problems for you to understand
Siege of power inside your mind
Outward restrictions to keep you in line
Siege of power in your land
Too many problems - for you to understand
You're a slave to their power
you never questioned why
you were born to suffer
you are going to die
Siege of power, they made you a tool
While others were ruling you were being ruled
Harmony Corruption
[ Instrumental ]
Rise Above
At the time of birth
Minds free from suspicion
Senses raped
Induced with superstition
A pre-set mode
To benefit description
Language, colour
Race definition
Inner strength must detect
The love we each possess
Before we may reach
Appreciating it in anyone else
External distinctions
Used as scapegoats to problems
Channeling our aggression
In the wrong direction
Break down the barriers
That enforce superstition
Learn to trust
Overcome suspicion
Acceptance, the weapon
Active against our freedom
Our love and compassion
Held at treason
Rise above induced superstition
The Missing Link
And intergral sense
Comes with belonging to a scene
Supposedly absent of barriers
(When sexism is one of many)
Earnest words
Calling for unity of the sexes
When she's still the chick, or stupid bitch
(Ridiculed for showing an interest)
Hidden indifference
Strikes an emotion reaction
When you see an animal being abused
Yet un-noticed when a woman
Is abused in the same way
The links of oppression
Stem from the same segradation
But one our eyes are closed
Actively abusing the rights of one
Whilst fighting for those of another
The 'scene' may hold a different name
But the roleplays just the same
Equal rights are fine
As long as she's in her place
Outrightly denouncing fascism
Whilst oblivious to it taking place
Is condemnation of standards
All an act of save face
Unity a stark ambition
When our abuse surpasses recognition
Mentally Murdered
Your aspirations, unable to stretch
Beyond the barriers of what's expected
As the free thought you were born with
Becomes externally ploluted
Lose sight of your ideals
In their brainwashing institutions
Predetermine your values
To befit your substandard existence ...
Discouraging creativity
To aim for empty ambitions
Living up to other's expectations
Takes hold of your assiduity
Mentally murdered!
The will to succeed
Overpowers the will to resist
Mentally murdered!
Always up to the mark
Set the wheels in motion
A fake sense of security
From your invariable position
Sinking in the crowd
A face minus expression
A mouth that echoes words
Recycled from tradition
Your only contentness
Is living in a lie
Mentally murdered!
Do you possess the strength
To re-create your own life ?
Mentally murdered ?
Walls Of Confinement
Before my eyes I see a wall
12,000 miles high
And the same amount wide
Within that wall are faces
Of people
To whom I could once relate
Now communication seems hard
When there's an ego barrier to break through
Opinions of self opinion
Cloud a new horison
The vision a mere illusion
Blased in conclusion
Trapped in seclusion
To the outside - exclusion
When an attitude is so biassed
What can you expect to change ?
Banging your head
But the walls are not moving
It's enclosing
Burning so much energy
Enthusiasm burning
Is change the 'real' obsession ?
Or with a sense of pretention,
Do you merely strive for credible attention ?
Cause & Effect
What are your motives
For your abuse
What can they be ?
Accused of things
I've never done
This seems strange
Your motivation, for my humiliation
I'm pressurised
So many times
By your presence
Your very existance
Has become my obsession
My infatuation with your damnation
I experience
Dangerous thoughts
That are all too real
How can one man
Inflict in me
So much hate
My obsession with your destruction
No Mental Effort
So we're still in our teething stages
As far as politics are concerned
That's fine coming from someone
To whom sensationalism be their only wisdom in words
A self-proclaimed spokesman
On something to which prior knowledge excedes
Championing no more censorship
Then ridiculing our beliefs
To appeal to our better nature
Are we to keep our mouths shut ?
Easy to discard
Constructive power
At your disposal
When egos and sales
Outbalance opinions
On the scales
Using bands
As pawns in your hands
Building up
Knocking down
To suit cheap public demand
Merging with the gutter press
You claim to detest
It's opened it's lid
For you to crawl in and infest
Multinational Corporations
Multi-National Corporations
Genocide of the starving nations
Re-Adress The Problem
Drawing attention to yourself
At anothers expence
Your puritan stance
Carries a certain pretence
When an ego is at stake
There's always a point to make
Bigotted and self opinionated
There is no give and take
Obsessed with changing the world
Not in changing yuorself
Changing Colours
Adapting to different surroundings
Changing views day by day
Too critical of others
When you too are at fault
Several sets of opinions
Like colours to camouflage yourself
Like a fox sly in your manoeuvres
Too soon you'll get caught unawares
Sometimes I feel pity
Sometimes I feel hatred ...
Sometimes you're my friend
Sometimes you're my enemy
I'll never give you the satisfaction
Of knowing how I feel
From The Ashes
So much bitterness
In this so called scene
Self righteous `leaders'
With their own little dream
Walls of confimement
Don't stray too far
Evicted for maturind
Whilst they stagnate
Is anger always a positive reaction ?
Is understanding often subdued by emotion ?
On the path to individual freedom
I'm met with countless obstructions
An external vacuum distorts my observance
Sucking me into the rat race
A weakness makes me gullible
Constantly lured into their traps
Dismantling my motivation
Taking my destination to another step back
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