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AMON AMARTH | tablature / tabs

album  : Versus The World
groupe : Amon Amarth
sortie   : 2002

+ infos tabs
01- Death In Fire
02- For The Stabwounds In Our Backs
03- Where Silent Gods Stand Guard
04- Vs The World
05- Across The Rainbow Bridge
06- Down The Slopes Of Death
07- Thousand Years Of Opression
08- Bloodshed
09- ...And Soon The World Will Cease To Be
10- Siegreicher Marsch (Victorious March)

album  : The Crusher
groupe : Amon Amarth
sortie   : 2001

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01- Bastards Of A Lying Breed
02- Masters Of War
03- The Sound Of Eight Hooves
04- Risen From The Sea 2000
05- As Long As The Raven Flies
06- A Fury Divine
07- Annihilation Of Hammerfest
08- The Fall Through Ginnungagap
09- Releasing Surtur's Fire
10- Eyes Of Horror

album  : The Avenger
groupe : Amon Amarth
sortie   : 1999

+ infos tabs
01- Bleed For Ancient Gods
02- The Last With Pagan Blood
03- North Sea Storm
04- Avenger
05- God, His Son And Holy Whore
06- Metalwrath
07- Legend Of A Banished Man
08- Thor Arise

album  : Once Sent From The Golden Hall
groupe : Amon Amarth
sortie   : 1998

+ infos tabs
01- Ride For Vengeance
02- The Dragon's Flight Across The Waves
03- Without Fear
04- Victorious March
05- Friends Of The Suncross
06- Abandoned
07- Amon Amarth
08- Once Sent From The Golden Hall

album  : Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds
groupe : Amon Amarth
sortie   : 1995

+ infos tabs
01- Sorrow Throughtout The Nine Worlds
02- The Arrival Of The Fimbul Winter
03- Burning Creation
04- The Mighty Doors Of The Speargod's Hall
05- Under The Grayclouded Winter Sky
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