zonemetal > paroles > King Diamond > The Spider's Lullabye
The Spider's Lullabye | paroles / lyrics
acheter cet album
01- From The Other Side
02- Killer
03- The Poltergeist
04- Dreams
05- Moonlight
06- Six Feet Under
07- The Spider's Lullabye
08- Eastmann's Cure
09- Room 17
10- To The Morgue
02- Killer
03- The Poltergeist
04- Dreams
05- Moonlight
06- Six Feet Under
07- The Spider's Lullabye
08- Eastmann's Cure
09- Room 17
10- To The Morgue
From The Other Side
I don't know if I'm dead or alive
All I know is I'm running out of time
Oh, I'm leaving my body... Oh, leaving it behind
From the other side, looking down I know that it's me
From the other side, looking fown it's the devil I see
Someone down there is saving my life
I see a tear being shed by THE EYE
Oh, I'm drifting much higher... Oh, into the light
From the other side, looking down I know that it's me
From the other side, looking fown it's the devil I see
I see the strangest faces
Faces that I've never seen before
They see me through empty spaces
Spaces that do not exist no more
I swear by the moon and the devil
I'll be thier guardian if they will be mine
There's a demon with red glowing eyes
He's invading the body that was mine
Oh, is there still time... Oh, Time to return
From the other side, looking down I know that it's me
From the other side, looking fown it's the devil I see
I guess I wasn't ready yet
'Cause someone there is calling me back from the dead
Demon, demon, are you there
Demon, demon, leave my lair
From the other side, looking down I know that it's me
From the other side, looking fown it's the devil I see
At midnight, an hour from now... they're gonna flick the switch
Down the Hall, beyond the iron door... they're gonna end my life
I will see you all in Hell, isn't that where we all must go ?
I will not tell you what I did... It doesn't matter now
I will not tell you how weird it is
To know exactly when you're gonna go
I am a killer
I'm gonna get what I deserve
I am a killer
They're gonna fry my each and every nerve
It is not the soul I sell, it's not the pain from hell
It is not the fear of dying, of that I was never afraid
I will see you all in hell, isn't that where we all must go ?
Gazing at the iron door, while time is slipping away
What's really driving me insane
Is what to do with my final hour
I am a killer
I'm gonna get what I deserve
I am a killer
They're gonna fry my each and every nerve
I've got less than an hour to kill
I'm looking back at the life I've had to live
What a waste... what a mess
I should have never been born...
I hear them coming down the hall
I know they're coming for me
I don't need that silly Priest
Oh, just get on with the show
I am a killer
I'm gonna get what I deserve
I am a killer
They're gonna fry my each and every nerve
It's time...
The Poltergeist
Some would say there is trouble in my home
Even when I am alone
Some would say there is always someone home
Even though I might be gone
Speak to me my friend, I know you're there
Speak to me my friend... speak to me... SPEAK TO ME!
I can always feel it's there, creeping one step behind me
Cold hands in the night, I know that it's watching me
The Poltergeist living in my home
Could be a friend or foe
The Poltergeist living in my home
Could be a friend for life, or a foe until the night I die
Speak to me my friend, let me hear your tounge
Speak to me my friend... speak to me... SPEAK TO ME!
Speak to me my friend, I know you're there
Speak to me my friend... speak to me... SPEAK TO ME!
My guests can never tell when it's creeping up to touch them
They will never ever know our game
Until they feel it and scream
The Poltergeist living in my home
Could be a friend or foe
The Poltergeist living in my home
Could be a friend for life, or a foe until the night I die
Speak to me my friend, we are one and the same
Now that you're living here... Welcome home...
Welcome home...
You can stay forever
The witching hour has arrived here too soon
I know that all my dreams are inside this room
Oh yeah, it's all in this tune
Dreams in the night, they're falling like rain
Dreams in the night, they drive me insane
They cannot wait until I turn off the light
When I'm asleep they've got the key to my mind
Oh yeah, can't leave them behind
Dreams in the night, there're falling like rain
Dreams in the night, they drive me insane
Dreams in the night.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, give me another dream now
The Spider's Lullaby is all they can sing
As they inject thier poison into my brain
Oh yeah, they're calling my name
Dreams in the night, they're falling like rain
Dreams in the night, they drive me insane
Give me another dream now
Yeah, yeah, yeah, give me another dream now
Rainbows and waterfalls
Little girls are swimming in a pond of gold
I'm growing old
I'm growing old
Sweet blue eyes of innocence
Begging me...
To follow them to the other side
Ah, they're growing horns
Dreams in the night, they're falling like rain
Dreams in the night, they drive me insane
Dreams in the night
Let me out of these dreams... dreams... dreams...
Let me out of these dreams... dreams... dreams...
Let me out of these dreams... dreams... dreams...
In the moonlight
I see children searching for thier souls
In the moonlight
Can you hear them howling on the wind
Night after night, I see them passing by
They whisper in my ear, "We know you are there."
I see no eyes, I guess they must be blind
Wish that I could lead them
To a better world than mine
In the moonlight
Not a bird is singing lullabyes
In the moonlight
I hear a churchbell ring it's evil song
Night after night, I see them passing by
They whisper in my ear, "We know you are there."
I see no eyes, I guess they must be blind
Wish that I could lead them
To a better world than mine
In the moonlight.... In the moonlight
Night after night, I see them passing by
Wish that I could lead them
To a better world than mine
In the moonight
I see children searching for thier souls
In the moonlight
I hear screams of pain from a thousand years ago
Raven spread your wings, lead the spirits to their home
Raven spread your wings, lead the spirits to their home
To their home
In the moonlight.... In the moonlight
Six Feet Under
My family just couldn't wait, I should have seen it coming
What a nice CONSPIRACY, what a nice suprise
But now it's all too late
I am six feet under, It's so very hard to breath
My family, they put me here in a coffin made of glass
So I can see them in thier glory or they can see me in my misery
They're standing all around my grave
Six feet under, I'm in a coffin made of glass
Six feet under, It's so very hard to breath
Six feet under, I'm in a coffin made of glass
Six feet under, It's so very hard to breath
My hands are turning blue
While my nails are turning to Red
Looking up into faces of greed
I'm sweating cold and white with fear
Sinister smiles upon thier lips
One of them is waving me goodbye
I am six feet under, It's so very hard to breath
My lovely sister is laughing at me, I cannot hear but I can see
Now she is kicking soil into my face
I swear I will return to haunt her
Six feet under, I'm in a coffin made of glass
Six feet under, It's so very hard to breath
My hands are turning blue
While my nails are turning to Red
The Spider's Lullabye
In a little cottage in the countryside
Lives a man named Harry
And he is losing his mind
Listen... Hear the Spider's Lullaby
It's really sad for Harry, He finds a spider scary
Even the smallest species will make him feel uneasy
Oh, they live in every corner
Oh, and here comes another
There's another spider on his wall... Gotta kill it!
Soon to be another creamy spot
As he woke up this morning, there was a spider crawling
He felt a big suprise before it caught his eyes
Oh, it was between his face
Oh, and his pillow case
There's another spider on his wall... Gotta kill it!
Soon to be another creamy spot
Here comes another one... Hahahahahahaha
He's got to find a doctor, a very special doctor
Someone who can cure his mind
Someone who knows Harry's kind
Listen... Hear the Spider's Lullaby
Those creepy crawly creatures
With all thier hairy features
Hoping to catch a fly
Singing it's deadly lullaby
Oh... Oh, NO...
There's another spider on his wall... Gotta kill it!
Eastmann's Cure
It was in the local paper:
"We will cure your every phobia
At Devil Lake Sanitarium
We will make you feel you're right at home"
No more sleepless night, No more unpleasant sight
We can recreate paradise
And you don't even have to sacrifice a thing
It only took about a minute's time
For poor old Harry to make up his mind
So he headed for Devil Lake
Knowing doctores were awaiting him
No more sleepless night, No more unpleasant sight
We can recreate paradise
And you don't even have to sacrifice a thing
[HARRY:] "My name is Harry and I am from the country side
I'm looking for a doctor, Eastman is his name"
[Dr.EASTMANN:] "We welcome you with open arms,
We've all been looking forward to having you here,'
At Devil Lake Sanitarium
You must always sign a special paper first"
[HARRY:] "I will sign anything just to get rid of my fears
I just want to live a life, where do you want me to sign ?"
[Dr. EASTMANN:] "Right here on the dotted line
This will give me the freedom I need for you
At Devil Lake Sanitarium
You know we are the very best at what we do...
Now that we have got his signature
I think it's time to start the Eastmann Cure
So put him in the straight
I think Room 17 is still our whitest room
No more sleepless night, No more unpleasant sight
We can recreate paradise
And you don't even have to sacrifice a thing
Room 17
Room 17 was nice and cool, oh yeah
A few stains on the wall
But that was nothing new to Harry's head
Even though he was strapped down to his bed
...Strapped down...
Harry felt preety good...
Knock Knock...
Knock knock... Is anybody there ?
Room 17 was nice and cool, oh yeah
But it didn't have the string that would ring the nurse
It wasn't there
Poor Harry, he had it coming
Poor Harry...
Sow he didn't feel so good
Here comes Doctor Eastmann and Nursie Needle Dear
Look at wat they got you... THE CRAWLY BOX
[NURSE:] "Don't be such a baby, Harry stop that now
The doctor's here to help you... it's Eastmann time!"
In room 17, everything is so clean
In room 17, there is nothing to be seen
[Dr.EASTMANN:] "Black, brown, grey and hairy...
We've got them all
Big, small, fast and scary...
Yeah, we've got them all
I can hear hit, the Spider's Lullaby
I can feel it, the Spider's crawl on by"
In room 17, everything is so clean
In room 17, there is nothing to be seen
[Dr.EASTMANN:] "Nurse Needle, it is time to begin
Nurse Needle, stick it in
A brown Lycosa's what I've got inside this box
I'm gonna let him out to see just how you feel
When he's around
If you move too much he might just bite you
But we'll just have to wait
And see about that..."
Deep into the night, they were testing him
So many different species, Harry could not win
They forgot the grey one, she was full of eggs
And she would find a warm spot back in Harry's neck
It's so moist and warm in here
Knock Knock...
Knock knock... Is anybody there ?
[HARRY:] "You forgot some spiders in my room yesterday
Now I've got this stunning pain
And my neck is feeling weird, Oh I might die
Overnight some of your spiders must have bit me
They were all over me!"
[Dr.EASTMANN:] "Oh Harry, don't be such a fool."
That same night Harry died
When they found him he was grey and white
Black, brown, grey and hairy...
We've got them all
Big, small, fast and scary...
Yeah, we've got them all
I can hear hit, the Spider's Lullaby
I can feel it, the Spider's crawl on by
In room 17, everything is so clean
In room 17, there is nothing to be seen
Take him to the morgue
Take him to the morgue...
To The Morgue
To the morgue... Take him to the morgue
To the morgue... Take him to the morgue
At Devil Lake Sanitarium
Many a patient had died in vain
Never a question to be asked, no no
Never a thing to explain
So they took his bones and skin
To the morgue in the West Wing
It was clear to Dr. Eastmann
Harry had died of fright
If he had cared he would have found the spider
Laying eggs in Harry's neck
The smoldering eyes in Harry's head
Had become the home of spiders instead
To the morgue... Take him to the morgue
To the morgue... Take him to the morgue
To the morgue... We must all go to the morgue
To the morgue... We must all go to the morgue
Deep down below the ground
Where it was kind of cold and damp
Too many stiffs to be fit in the cooler
Gathering dust in the hallways of Death
The smoldering eyes in Harry's head
Had become the home of spiders instead
Spiders here... Spider's everywhere
Spiders feeding the dead to thier young
Spiders here... Spider's everywhere
Spiders using the dead for thier home
Spiders... they're growing like rats from the plague
Spiders... there's so many more everyday
Summer is coming to an end
And the celler in the morgue is a nest now
One thousand poisonous creatures
Eight thousand poisonous legs!
The smoldering eyes in Harry's head
Had become the home of spiders instead
To the morgue... We must all go to the morgue
To the morgue... We must all go to the morgue
I don't know if I'm dead or alive
All I know is I'm running out of time
Oh, I'm leaving my body... Oh, leaving it behind
From the other side, looking down I know that it's me
From the other side, looking fown it's the devil I see
Someone down there is saving my life
I see a tear being shed by THE EYE
Oh, I'm drifting much higher... Oh, into the light
From the other side, looking down I know that it's me
From the other side, looking fown it's the devil I see
I see the strangest faces
Faces that I've never seen before
They see me through empty spaces
Spaces that do not exist no more
I swear by the moon and the devil
I'll be thier guardian if they will be mine
There's a demon with red glowing eyes
He's invading the body that was mine
Oh, is there still time... Oh, Time to return
From the other side, looking down I know that it's me
From the other side, looking fown it's the devil I see
I guess I wasn't ready yet
'Cause someone there is calling me back from the dead
Demon, demon, are you there
Demon, demon, leave my lair
From the other side, looking down I know that it's me
From the other side, looking fown it's the devil I see
At midnight, an hour from now... they're gonna flick the switch
Down the Hall, beyond the iron door... they're gonna end my life
I will see you all in Hell, isn't that where we all must go ?
I will not tell you what I did... It doesn't matter now
I will not tell you how weird it is
To know exactly when you're gonna go
I am a killer
I'm gonna get what I deserve
I am a killer
They're gonna fry my each and every nerve
It is not the soul I sell, it's not the pain from hell
It is not the fear of dying, of that I was never afraid
I will see you all in hell, isn't that where we all must go ?
Gazing at the iron door, while time is slipping away
What's really driving me insane
Is what to do with my final hour
I am a killer
I'm gonna get what I deserve
I am a killer
They're gonna fry my each and every nerve
I've got less than an hour to kill
I'm looking back at the life I've had to live
What a waste... what a mess
I should have never been born...
I hear them coming down the hall
I know they're coming for me
I don't need that silly Priest
Oh, just get on with the show
I am a killer
I'm gonna get what I deserve
I am a killer
They're gonna fry my each and every nerve
It's time...
The Poltergeist
Some would say there is trouble in my home
Even when I am alone
Some would say there is always someone home
Even though I might be gone
Speak to me my friend, I know you're there
Speak to me my friend... speak to me... SPEAK TO ME!
I can always feel it's there, creeping one step behind me
Cold hands in the night, I know that it's watching me
The Poltergeist living in my home
Could be a friend or foe
The Poltergeist living in my home
Could be a friend for life, or a foe until the night I die
Speak to me my friend, let me hear your tounge
Speak to me my friend... speak to me... SPEAK TO ME!
Speak to me my friend, I know you're there
Speak to me my friend... speak to me... SPEAK TO ME!
My guests can never tell when it's creeping up to touch them
They will never ever know our game
Until they feel it and scream
The Poltergeist living in my home
Could be a friend or foe
The Poltergeist living in my home
Could be a friend for life, or a foe until the night I die
Speak to me my friend, we are one and the same
Now that you're living here... Welcome home...
Welcome home...
You can stay forever
The witching hour has arrived here too soon
I know that all my dreams are inside this room
Oh yeah, it's all in this tune
Dreams in the night, they're falling like rain
Dreams in the night, they drive me insane
They cannot wait until I turn off the light
When I'm asleep they've got the key to my mind
Oh yeah, can't leave them behind
Dreams in the night, there're falling like rain
Dreams in the night, they drive me insane
Dreams in the night.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, give me another dream now
The Spider's Lullaby is all they can sing
As they inject thier poison into my brain
Oh yeah, they're calling my name
Dreams in the night, they're falling like rain
Dreams in the night, they drive me insane
Give me another dream now
Yeah, yeah, yeah, give me another dream now
Rainbows and waterfalls
Little girls are swimming in a pond of gold
I'm growing old
I'm growing old
Sweet blue eyes of innocence
Begging me...
To follow them to the other side
Ah, they're growing horns
Dreams in the night, they're falling like rain
Dreams in the night, they drive me insane
Dreams in the night
Let me out of these dreams... dreams... dreams...
Let me out of these dreams... dreams... dreams...
Let me out of these dreams... dreams... dreams...
In the moonlight
I see children searching for thier souls
In the moonlight
Can you hear them howling on the wind
Night after night, I see them passing by
They whisper in my ear, "We know you are there."
I see no eyes, I guess they must be blind
Wish that I could lead them
To a better world than mine
In the moonlight
Not a bird is singing lullabyes
In the moonlight
I hear a churchbell ring it's evil song
Night after night, I see them passing by
They whisper in my ear, "We know you are there."
I see no eyes, I guess they must be blind
Wish that I could lead them
To a better world than mine
In the moonlight.... In the moonlight
Night after night, I see them passing by
Wish that I could lead them
To a better world than mine
In the moonight
I see children searching for thier souls
In the moonlight
I hear screams of pain from a thousand years ago
Raven spread your wings, lead the spirits to their home
Raven spread your wings, lead the spirits to their home
To their home
In the moonlight.... In the moonlight
Six Feet Under
My family just couldn't wait, I should have seen it coming
What a nice CONSPIRACY, what a nice suprise
But now it's all too late
I am six feet under, It's so very hard to breath
My family, they put me here in a coffin made of glass
So I can see them in thier glory or they can see me in my misery
They're standing all around my grave
Six feet under, I'm in a coffin made of glass
Six feet under, It's so very hard to breath
Six feet under, I'm in a coffin made of glass
Six feet under, It's so very hard to breath
My hands are turning blue
While my nails are turning to Red
Looking up into faces of greed
I'm sweating cold and white with fear
Sinister smiles upon thier lips
One of them is waving me goodbye
I am six feet under, It's so very hard to breath
My lovely sister is laughing at me, I cannot hear but I can see
Now she is kicking soil into my face
I swear I will return to haunt her
Six feet under, I'm in a coffin made of glass
Six feet under, It's so very hard to breath
My hands are turning blue
While my nails are turning to Red
The Spider's Lullabye
In a little cottage in the countryside
Lives a man named Harry
And he is losing his mind
Listen... Hear the Spider's Lullaby
It's really sad for Harry, He finds a spider scary
Even the smallest species will make him feel uneasy
Oh, they live in every corner
Oh, and here comes another
There's another spider on his wall... Gotta kill it!
Soon to be another creamy spot
As he woke up this morning, there was a spider crawling
He felt a big suprise before it caught his eyes
Oh, it was between his face
Oh, and his pillow case
There's another spider on his wall... Gotta kill it!
Soon to be another creamy spot
Here comes another one... Hahahahahahaha
He's got to find a doctor, a very special doctor
Someone who can cure his mind
Someone who knows Harry's kind
Listen... Hear the Spider's Lullaby
Those creepy crawly creatures
With all thier hairy features
Hoping to catch a fly
Singing it's deadly lullaby
Oh... Oh, NO...
There's another spider on his wall... Gotta kill it!
Eastmann's Cure
It was in the local paper:
"We will cure your every phobia
At Devil Lake Sanitarium
We will make you feel you're right at home"
No more sleepless night, No more unpleasant sight
We can recreate paradise
And you don't even have to sacrifice a thing
It only took about a minute's time
For poor old Harry to make up his mind
So he headed for Devil Lake
Knowing doctores were awaiting him
No more sleepless night, No more unpleasant sight
We can recreate paradise
And you don't even have to sacrifice a thing
[HARRY:] "My name is Harry and I am from the country side
I'm looking for a doctor, Eastman is his name"
[Dr.EASTMANN:] "We welcome you with open arms,
We've all been looking forward to having you here,'
At Devil Lake Sanitarium
You must always sign a special paper first"
[HARRY:] "I will sign anything just to get rid of my fears
I just want to live a life, where do you want me to sign ?"
[Dr. EASTMANN:] "Right here on the dotted line
This will give me the freedom I need for you
At Devil Lake Sanitarium
You know we are the very best at what we do...
Now that we have got his signature
I think it's time to start the Eastmann Cure
So put him in the straight
I think Room 17 is still our whitest room
No more sleepless night, No more unpleasant sight
We can recreate paradise
And you don't even have to sacrifice a thing
Room 17
Room 17 was nice and cool, oh yeah
A few stains on the wall
But that was nothing new to Harry's head
Even though he was strapped down to his bed
...Strapped down...
Harry felt preety good...
Knock Knock...
Knock knock... Is anybody there ?
Room 17 was nice and cool, oh yeah
But it didn't have the string that would ring the nurse
It wasn't there
Poor Harry, he had it coming
Poor Harry...
Sow he didn't feel so good
Here comes Doctor Eastmann and Nursie Needle Dear
Look at wat they got you... THE CRAWLY BOX
[NURSE:] "Don't be such a baby, Harry stop that now
The doctor's here to help you... it's Eastmann time!"
In room 17, everything is so clean
In room 17, there is nothing to be seen
[Dr.EASTMANN:] "Black, brown, grey and hairy...
We've got them all
Big, small, fast and scary...
Yeah, we've got them all
I can hear hit, the Spider's Lullaby
I can feel it, the Spider's crawl on by"
In room 17, everything is so clean
In room 17, there is nothing to be seen
[Dr.EASTMANN:] "Nurse Needle, it is time to begin
Nurse Needle, stick it in
A brown Lycosa's what I've got inside this box
I'm gonna let him out to see just how you feel
When he's around
If you move too much he might just bite you
But we'll just have to wait
And see about that..."
Deep into the night, they were testing him
So many different species, Harry could not win
They forgot the grey one, she was full of eggs
And she would find a warm spot back in Harry's neck
It's so moist and warm in here
Knock Knock...
Knock knock... Is anybody there ?
[HARRY:] "You forgot some spiders in my room yesterday
Now I've got this stunning pain
And my neck is feeling weird, Oh I might die
Overnight some of your spiders must have bit me
They were all over me!"
[Dr.EASTMANN:] "Oh Harry, don't be such a fool."
That same night Harry died
When they found him he was grey and white
Black, brown, grey and hairy...
We've got them all
Big, small, fast and scary...
Yeah, we've got them all
I can hear hit, the Spider's Lullaby
I can feel it, the Spider's crawl on by
In room 17, everything is so clean
In room 17, there is nothing to be seen
Take him to the morgue
Take him to the morgue...
To The Morgue
To the morgue... Take him to the morgue
To the morgue... Take him to the morgue
At Devil Lake Sanitarium
Many a patient had died in vain
Never a question to be asked, no no
Never a thing to explain
So they took his bones and skin
To the morgue in the West Wing
It was clear to Dr. Eastmann
Harry had died of fright
If he had cared he would have found the spider
Laying eggs in Harry's neck
The smoldering eyes in Harry's head
Had become the home of spiders instead
To the morgue... Take him to the morgue
To the morgue... Take him to the morgue
To the morgue... We must all go to the morgue
To the morgue... We must all go to the morgue
Deep down below the ground
Where it was kind of cold and damp
Too many stiffs to be fit in the cooler
Gathering dust in the hallways of Death
The smoldering eyes in Harry's head
Had become the home of spiders instead
Spiders here... Spider's everywhere
Spiders feeding the dead to thier young
Spiders here... Spider's everywhere
Spiders using the dead for thier home
Spiders... they're growing like rats from the plague
Spiders... there's so many more everyday
Summer is coming to an end
And the celler in the morgue is a nest now
One thousand poisonous creatures
Eight thousand poisonous legs!
The smoldering eyes in Harry's head
Had become the home of spiders instead
To the morgue... We must all go to the morgue
To the morgue... We must all go to the morgue
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