zonemetal > paroles > Cannibal Corpse > Butchered At Birth
Butchered At Birth | paroles / lyrics
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01- Meat Hook Sodomy
02- Gutted
03- Living Dissection
04- Under The Rotted Flesh
05- Covered With Sores
06- Vomit The Soul
07- Butchered At Birth
08- Rancid Amputation
09- Innards Decay
02- Gutted
03- Living Dissection
04- Under The Rotted Flesh
05- Covered With Sores
06- Vomit The Soul
07- Butchered At Birth
08- Rancid Amputation
09- Innards Decay
Meat Hook Sodomy
Butchery my meat hooks sharpened to penetrate
Emasculate, gouging crotches I will eat
Hung upside down, holes punctured through half chewed
Gristle, debauchery with dead bodies, turning green
Upheaveal of human entrails
Deterioration of grated genitals, dangling from the hooks
Obscene feelings deep inside me
Dislocating, separating a blood
Drenched body
Begin the anal grounting
Awaiting insertion, to rip out intestine
Bodily destruction
Vulgar molestation
Treachery never ending soul ripping
Lifeless Bodies not, petrified
Cloggins veins
Presure building
Scabbing clotted sores dehydrate
Condemned to life of obscurity
Dismal dimensions of my being, I explore my thoughts through murder
Devoting my life to mutilation
Screams of blood saturate, grubs feed on dilapidated
Stumps, darkness overshadowing the killing
Eyes now dialate
Bodies disintegrate
Razor sharp hooks implanted in your rectum
Splitting bodies, spilling guts on the ground
Sodomizing living beings with my utensils
Stabbing on your life stripped of all your skin
Disgusting to the world
Beauty to my eyes
The body lying naked, discharging my infection
Invigorating while I kill, intoxicating
Invoking suffering on human beings
Grinding orifices my only therapy
Sculpting gore
Muscle tissue
Mounds of flesh, deformation
Skulls of victims stacked like trophies
Bleeding from your arse sudden blood ejection
A table of the deranged, this savage brutal being
A shocking way of life living on human offspring
Murder of the innocent, his pale grey face expresionless
Horrid dismemberment
One persons tortures, is anothers pleasure
Malformation, a diseased brain
Unsuspecting slowly dying, as his knife invades
The child, screams of pain, no one hears
Blood splotches now appear, esctasy through
Each cut, now the body twiches the gutted
Little torso ready to be cooked
Isolated in his own mind the need to kill
Now possesses his body
Self mutilated
Between killings ejaculation, cut off appendages
Of former victims, sexual violence satisfaction
Disembodied corpses, spewing gore
On his body, soaked with their fluids, various
Digestive parts, and assorted meats
Plunging his fist down the throat, ripping out
The guts, internal extraction
The entire body bleeding
The heart stops pumping
The child lying dead, just another gutted infant
To satisfy his hunger, temptations of the flesh
Voracious appetite
Killing to release pure souls to the heavens
Justification of his killing self-torture
Stiffening pain
He sees the faces of the dead
Guts are strewn from the children
Splintered bones, poke through skin
Gratification through castration
Roasting parts for consumption
Living Dissection
Fingers missing from hands, ready to snap bones
And necks, pierced together from dead tissue
Body parts crudely sewn,
face is smashed to pulp drooling from an empty socket
Brain half
Hungry for flesh
Many souls commanding my existence
My body alive, I defy, the life I've been given
I should have remained dead
Experimenting on dead tissue, convulsing bodies on the table
Reanimation of the dead, rusty scapals cutting skin
Pieced together parts and parts
Transplanting human life
Rotten organs, restal pus
Spitting up your galbladder
Donation of bodily organs carved from broken bodies
Eyes melting, skin exploding
Every bloody bleeding
Meat inter-changed from the mutalated stiffs
Parts of the dead are never to rest
Lymphatic nodes
Implode, while the brain corrodes
Bodies sold to science, profiting from the dead
Creation of a being never known to man
Heart pumping pus through the body, sliced in sections, the putrid infection
Regaining life from beyond
To rip the flesh from your bones
Stripped of flesh, unsighty
Torn in two, slicing through you
Live organs needed to be reanimated
Pathologist sawing the skull of the donor, now he lies
Awaiting a new brain
Re-cycling the bodies, parts of the dead
Exposing their insides, slitting their necks
Finding a way
Bringing life to the corpse, one dead on my table
Soon to walk again
Fingers missing from hands
Ready to snap bones and necks
Pieced together from
Dead tissue
Face is smashed to pulp, drooling from
An empty socket
Brain half-dead, hungry for flesh
Many souls commanding my existence, my body alive,
I derfy, the life I've been given
I should have remain dead
Under The Rotted Flesh
Under the flesh
Rot my lust for decayed corpses dead bodies exhumed
Their coldness induces me endless defilement,
re-occuring relapses, perverse with the dead, soon I will kill for myself
Impending suffering, spasms shooting through me nausation
A cannibalistic necrophile violating the body, putrefied,
mouldering, gorging on the rotted flesh
Cutting off the body's head drinking from its severed necks
as I rip the corpse in half
Human shit for nurishment
Coprophagia, consuming feces of the dying,
as their bowels let loose defecation flows down
my throat excremental injestment
Reflections of things to come, mirored in the dead
one's eyes my fantasy of murder
Incarnated open wounds gushing,
blood on skin coagulated tortured of the retched,
no one cares of their dead appaling odor wreaking, piles of rotted bodies
The bodies prepared for slaughter, wallowing in your own blood
Grinding of your fingers and toes feeding on your meat
I immerse my sharpened implement into a fresh bleeding gash
her body used for my sick desires
The blood thirst I can't control
Many more must suffer
Disposal of the dead, the corpse chopped to bits licking up the drivel
The gore enrages me
All I kill a new creation, my work of art bodies torn apart
Liver quivering at my feet
Eyelids cut off to watch your own dismemberment,
cutting through arteries nerves exposed
Feel the power of pain
Covered With Sores
Bleed on me, digesting the clotted scabs
Blood thirsty
Passing on my curse, the spell pussing gores
Of those I infect become my loyal servants
To ride me of my own rot
Whittling meat from the bones of the dead
Pulverizing pelvic regions with a sledge
The mutilated bodies I leave rotting after I
Have fucked them with my knife
Becoming a product of my own nigtmares
A bleeding sac of infection, years deceased
I hide my slobbering skin
Covered by a victims flap
I love to watch the blood ooz down the bodies stump
Like scap, a vulgar way of life, my hideous side
Now revealed
Remembering the future is the key to unlock my past
Leaking membrane, consuming bodies
Carving out the cunts, blood my lubrification
Spewing pus on rotted skin I celebrate my
Cruelty, boils begin to form, dripping on my tongue
Swallowing throbbing glands, the juice leaks from
My lips, my only thirst is pus eruption of cysts
Incurable disfigured bodies, I rape the dying
Horrific sights now manifest, penetrating inner organs
The ruptured organs leak the fluid that I seek
To break the incantation of my damnation
Split wide open, bloated organs burst
Nerves uprooted, re-opening healed wounds
On my body
Sucking on the sores
Ingesting my own fluids
Self-parasitic puss indulgement
Vomit The Soul
Grotesque, crippled, carved up carcass
Evil controlling my mind, the fear of dying expired of life, to vomit the soul
I am dead within my self
The end a beginning to a new life in hell
I am your path to ever-lasting pain mass extinction of the human population
Son of the devil the evil incarnation
Maniacal mass murderer mutilating mortals,
the child born unto evil, trapped within the statue of flesh
Vipers travel through bodily orifices,
blessed by the Devil under inverted crosses,
religious ways, lies controlling minds
I walk among mortal beings, but I have died
Excavating graves I search for decay packs of flesh driven zombies ready to feast
I suffer forever living only to dismember
Open season on humans, laughing I watch them die, they bleed so easily
Their blood flows through my body, I need to taste the flesh exposing pulsing arteries
Removing vital organs
Not stopping till you've died
Puts from your eyes carnal ways indulge in the gore
Slaughtered you lie in a pile of warm guts
Constricted corpusles coagulating blood my drug a slave to its taste,
reincarnated to human form, creating a race of immortal beings,
rot away dead bodies, set a flame
Searing flesh, broken necks
You can't kill what already dead
De-evoulution, hunting for life
Cannibalism, immortality rip and slash
A society of mass murder
Bleeding slow
I take away your life, and leave you lying cold, decapitated body
Searching for its head
Anticipate apocalypse, rising dead dismembering
Hacking limbs bleeding, cracking ribs
Torture us
Blessed by the devil, under inverted crosses
Religious ways, lies controlling minds
I walk among mortal beings, but I have died
Excavating graves
Empty hollow corpse, desecrate forced
To eat your flesh
Extracting purity violat
Twisted bodies, rot away
Butchered At Birth
Birth is always painful, Decaying in the womb trapped within this body
A bleeding human tomb gutted bitch lies dead emptied of the child
chewing on the cords its life line to this world afterbirth is flowing
The stench is overwhelming
My body, growing stronger, my pain turns to torture
Severing its bloodline
A butchered infant carcass
Meat from the unborn, the freshest kills
Chopped up children bathing in blood
Contoured and festering I rot in disgust
Re-generation of my body
Mother ripped apart
Smashing in her face
My knife cutting holes, fucking her remains
Esophogus carved out
Crushing cartilage
Bile oozing from punctures in your liver
Riping meat within
Chewing in intestine
Bladder spurting urine, sight of defecation now grow infection
The child ripped to shreads
Drinking its excretions
Zombification ejaculation over mutilation
On the Mothers body hacked into pieces
The sludges from my cock gives her life once again
Sewing the remains of the child deep within her
Reborn through evil
My torture known throughout Hell
Heed to his calling, the demons await my next kill
Carnage is my fetish
Body cavities scraped of guts
Brains seeping from cracks as my axe continues to hack
Rancid Amputation
Torsos hang from their own intestines
Raped of all bodily extentions, stumps wreathing in a sludge
Like infection
Suffering through a Rancid amputation
A pulsating artery accomanied by some veins, slit with no restraint
Sacs of pus develop
My muscles tighten as I feel the rush
I look at your body starting gush
I slice through the limb,
a human dissection portions of half-eaten flesh in my mouth
starting to chew your now bleeding stump
I will swallow your pus your own rectal slime
I'll force you to drink
Vessels explode as needles injected
My brain tormented
Slit from head to toe, die through the torture
Disease engulfs you
Internal rot
Fresh cut wounds, beginning to clot
Ripping through flesh is what I do best
Tear off an arm
Amputated neck
Eyes removed, cranium smashed
Decomposing remains, severed in half
Dying slowly never to rest, nerves are quivering as I trip
Removal of life on the blade of my knife
Inserted in your spine, smashing through bone
Feel my hell, I feed on fright
Rape the limbless cadaver
Innards Decay
Rotting alive
Tearing my way through the meat
Driven to kill, my brain twitching for guts
Devoted to evil
Severed arteries gush
Hungry for the blood
Life is to decay
Victims meet my blade, carving out organs
A world of pain and terror
Visions of the future
Premonition of the evil, forthcoming eve of darkness
The chosen one will come
Eyes torn out bodies cut in half
Twisted corpses hang from broken necks
Demented madman
Unholy rampage
Impaled cranium beginning to drain
Sodomize the carcass, chew the anal rot
Sewn within the body the dark becomes my light
Live inside the shell
Feed upon infection
At one with the dead
I rip my way through
Easy prey, disfigured bodies decompose
Chewed limbs drip with pus, intestinal strangulation
Humans left ripped apart
Lap up the dripping goo
Wretched chunks of bleeding flesh
Internally you rot away
My need to kill
Induced by hate, betrayal of trusted ones
My mark left on this earth, victims of my slaughter
Souls of my dead, murdered by my
Blood on my face, innards decay
Snapping necks chewing flesh
Insatiable thirst
For blood
Slicing throats viciously uncontrollable insanity
Tear out the beating heart
Engulf the quivering spleen, chew the meat
Death is my life
Life is to decay victims
Meet my blade carving out organs, a world of pain
And terror, visionsof the future
Premonition of the evil
Forthcoming, eve of darkness
Eyes torn out bodies cut in half
Twisted corpses hang
From broken necks, demented madman unholy rampage
Impaled cranium beginning to drain
Butchery my meat hooks sharpened to penetrate
Emasculate, gouging crotches I will eat
Hung upside down, holes punctured through half chewed
Gristle, debauchery with dead bodies, turning green
Upheaveal of human entrails
Deterioration of grated genitals, dangling from the hooks
Obscene feelings deep inside me
Dislocating, separating a blood
Drenched body
Begin the anal grounting
Awaiting insertion, to rip out intestine
Bodily destruction
Vulgar molestation
Treachery never ending soul ripping
Lifeless Bodies not, petrified
Cloggins veins
Presure building
Scabbing clotted sores dehydrate
Condemned to life of obscurity
Dismal dimensions of my being, I explore my thoughts through murder
Devoting my life to mutilation
Screams of blood saturate, grubs feed on dilapidated
Stumps, darkness overshadowing the killing
Eyes now dialate
Bodies disintegrate
Razor sharp hooks implanted in your rectum
Splitting bodies, spilling guts on the ground
Sodomizing living beings with my utensils
Stabbing on your life stripped of all your skin
Disgusting to the world
Beauty to my eyes
The body lying naked, discharging my infection
Invigorating while I kill, intoxicating
Invoking suffering on human beings
Grinding orifices my only therapy
Sculpting gore
Muscle tissue
Mounds of flesh, deformation
Skulls of victims stacked like trophies
Bleeding from your arse sudden blood ejection
A table of the deranged, this savage brutal being
A shocking way of life living on human offspring
Murder of the innocent, his pale grey face expresionless
Horrid dismemberment
One persons tortures, is anothers pleasure
Malformation, a diseased brain
Unsuspecting slowly dying, as his knife invades
The child, screams of pain, no one hears
Blood splotches now appear, esctasy through
Each cut, now the body twiches the gutted
Little torso ready to be cooked
Isolated in his own mind the need to kill
Now possesses his body
Self mutilated
Between killings ejaculation, cut off appendages
Of former victims, sexual violence satisfaction
Disembodied corpses, spewing gore
On his body, soaked with their fluids, various
Digestive parts, and assorted meats
Plunging his fist down the throat, ripping out
The guts, internal extraction
The entire body bleeding
The heart stops pumping
The child lying dead, just another gutted infant
To satisfy his hunger, temptations of the flesh
Voracious appetite
Killing to release pure souls to the heavens
Justification of his killing self-torture
Stiffening pain
He sees the faces of the dead
Guts are strewn from the children
Splintered bones, poke through skin
Gratification through castration
Roasting parts for consumption
Living Dissection
Fingers missing from hands, ready to snap bones
And necks, pierced together from dead tissue
Body parts crudely sewn,
face is smashed to pulp drooling from an empty socket
Brain half
Hungry for flesh
Many souls commanding my existence
My body alive, I defy, the life I've been given
I should have remained dead
Experimenting on dead tissue, convulsing bodies on the table
Reanimation of the dead, rusty scapals cutting skin
Pieced together parts and parts
Transplanting human life
Rotten organs, restal pus
Spitting up your galbladder
Donation of bodily organs carved from broken bodies
Eyes melting, skin exploding
Every bloody bleeding
Meat inter-changed from the mutalated stiffs
Parts of the dead are never to rest
Lymphatic nodes
Implode, while the brain corrodes
Bodies sold to science, profiting from the dead
Creation of a being never known to man
Heart pumping pus through the body, sliced in sections, the putrid infection
Regaining life from beyond
To rip the flesh from your bones
Stripped of flesh, unsighty
Torn in two, slicing through you
Live organs needed to be reanimated
Pathologist sawing the skull of the donor, now he lies
Awaiting a new brain
Re-cycling the bodies, parts of the dead
Exposing their insides, slitting their necks
Finding a way
Bringing life to the corpse, one dead on my table
Soon to walk again
Fingers missing from hands
Ready to snap bones and necks
Pieced together from
Dead tissue
Face is smashed to pulp, drooling from
An empty socket
Brain half-dead, hungry for flesh
Many souls commanding my existence, my body alive,
I derfy, the life I've been given
I should have remain dead
Under The Rotted Flesh
Under the flesh
Rot my lust for decayed corpses dead bodies exhumed
Their coldness induces me endless defilement,
re-occuring relapses, perverse with the dead, soon I will kill for myself
Impending suffering, spasms shooting through me nausation
A cannibalistic necrophile violating the body, putrefied,
mouldering, gorging on the rotted flesh
Cutting off the body's head drinking from its severed necks
as I rip the corpse in half
Human shit for nurishment
Coprophagia, consuming feces of the dying,
as their bowels let loose defecation flows down
my throat excremental injestment
Reflections of things to come, mirored in the dead
one's eyes my fantasy of murder
Incarnated open wounds gushing,
blood on skin coagulated tortured of the retched,
no one cares of their dead appaling odor wreaking, piles of rotted bodies
The bodies prepared for slaughter, wallowing in your own blood
Grinding of your fingers and toes feeding on your meat
I immerse my sharpened implement into a fresh bleeding gash
her body used for my sick desires
The blood thirst I can't control
Many more must suffer
Disposal of the dead, the corpse chopped to bits licking up the drivel
The gore enrages me
All I kill a new creation, my work of art bodies torn apart
Liver quivering at my feet
Eyelids cut off to watch your own dismemberment,
cutting through arteries nerves exposed
Feel the power of pain
Covered With Sores
Bleed on me, digesting the clotted scabs
Blood thirsty
Passing on my curse, the spell pussing gores
Of those I infect become my loyal servants
To ride me of my own rot
Whittling meat from the bones of the dead
Pulverizing pelvic regions with a sledge
The mutilated bodies I leave rotting after I
Have fucked them with my knife
Becoming a product of my own nigtmares
A bleeding sac of infection, years deceased
I hide my slobbering skin
Covered by a victims flap
I love to watch the blood ooz down the bodies stump
Like scap, a vulgar way of life, my hideous side
Now revealed
Remembering the future is the key to unlock my past
Leaking membrane, consuming bodies
Carving out the cunts, blood my lubrification
Spewing pus on rotted skin I celebrate my
Cruelty, boils begin to form, dripping on my tongue
Swallowing throbbing glands, the juice leaks from
My lips, my only thirst is pus eruption of cysts
Incurable disfigured bodies, I rape the dying
Horrific sights now manifest, penetrating inner organs
The ruptured organs leak the fluid that I seek
To break the incantation of my damnation
Split wide open, bloated organs burst
Nerves uprooted, re-opening healed wounds
On my body
Sucking on the sores
Ingesting my own fluids
Self-parasitic puss indulgement
Vomit The Soul
Grotesque, crippled, carved up carcass
Evil controlling my mind, the fear of dying expired of life, to vomit the soul
I am dead within my self
The end a beginning to a new life in hell
I am your path to ever-lasting pain mass extinction of the human population
Son of the devil the evil incarnation
Maniacal mass murderer mutilating mortals,
the child born unto evil, trapped within the statue of flesh
Vipers travel through bodily orifices,
blessed by the Devil under inverted crosses,
religious ways, lies controlling minds
I walk among mortal beings, but I have died
Excavating graves I search for decay packs of flesh driven zombies ready to feast
I suffer forever living only to dismember
Open season on humans, laughing I watch them die, they bleed so easily
Their blood flows through my body, I need to taste the flesh exposing pulsing arteries
Removing vital organs
Not stopping till you've died
Puts from your eyes carnal ways indulge in the gore
Slaughtered you lie in a pile of warm guts
Constricted corpusles coagulating blood my drug a slave to its taste,
reincarnated to human form, creating a race of immortal beings,
rot away dead bodies, set a flame
Searing flesh, broken necks
You can't kill what already dead
De-evoulution, hunting for life
Cannibalism, immortality rip and slash
A society of mass murder
Bleeding slow
I take away your life, and leave you lying cold, decapitated body
Searching for its head
Anticipate apocalypse, rising dead dismembering
Hacking limbs bleeding, cracking ribs
Torture us
Blessed by the devil, under inverted crosses
Religious ways, lies controlling minds
I walk among mortal beings, but I have died
Excavating graves
Empty hollow corpse, desecrate forced
To eat your flesh
Extracting purity violat
Twisted bodies, rot away
Butchered At Birth
Birth is always painful, Decaying in the womb trapped within this body
A bleeding human tomb gutted bitch lies dead emptied of the child
chewing on the cords its life line to this world afterbirth is flowing
The stench is overwhelming
My body, growing stronger, my pain turns to torture
Severing its bloodline
A butchered infant carcass
Meat from the unborn, the freshest kills
Chopped up children bathing in blood
Contoured and festering I rot in disgust
Re-generation of my body
Mother ripped apart
Smashing in her face
My knife cutting holes, fucking her remains
Esophogus carved out
Crushing cartilage
Bile oozing from punctures in your liver
Riping meat within
Chewing in intestine
Bladder spurting urine, sight of defecation now grow infection
The child ripped to shreads
Drinking its excretions
Zombification ejaculation over mutilation
On the Mothers body hacked into pieces
The sludges from my cock gives her life once again
Sewing the remains of the child deep within her
Reborn through evil
My torture known throughout Hell
Heed to his calling, the demons await my next kill
Carnage is my fetish
Body cavities scraped of guts
Brains seeping from cracks as my axe continues to hack
Rancid Amputation
Torsos hang from their own intestines
Raped of all bodily extentions, stumps wreathing in a sludge
Like infection
Suffering through a Rancid amputation
A pulsating artery accomanied by some veins, slit with no restraint
Sacs of pus develop
My muscles tighten as I feel the rush
I look at your body starting gush
I slice through the limb,
a human dissection portions of half-eaten flesh in my mouth
starting to chew your now bleeding stump
I will swallow your pus your own rectal slime
I'll force you to drink
Vessels explode as needles injected
My brain tormented
Slit from head to toe, die through the torture
Disease engulfs you
Internal rot
Fresh cut wounds, beginning to clot
Ripping through flesh is what I do best
Tear off an arm
Amputated neck
Eyes removed, cranium smashed
Decomposing remains, severed in half
Dying slowly never to rest, nerves are quivering as I trip
Removal of life on the blade of my knife
Inserted in your spine, smashing through bone
Feel my hell, I feed on fright
Rape the limbless cadaver
Innards Decay
Rotting alive
Tearing my way through the meat
Driven to kill, my brain twitching for guts
Devoted to evil
Severed arteries gush
Hungry for the blood
Life is to decay
Victims meet my blade, carving out organs
A world of pain and terror
Visions of the future
Premonition of the evil, forthcoming eve of darkness
The chosen one will come
Eyes torn out bodies cut in half
Twisted corpses hang from broken necks
Demented madman
Unholy rampage
Impaled cranium beginning to drain
Sodomize the carcass, chew the anal rot
Sewn within the body the dark becomes my light
Live inside the shell
Feed upon infection
At one with the dead
I rip my way through
Easy prey, disfigured bodies decompose
Chewed limbs drip with pus, intestinal strangulation
Humans left ripped apart
Lap up the dripping goo
Wretched chunks of bleeding flesh
Internally you rot away
My need to kill
Induced by hate, betrayal of trusted ones
My mark left on this earth, victims of my slaughter
Souls of my dead, murdered by my
Blood on my face, innards decay
Snapping necks chewing flesh
Insatiable thirst
For blood
Slicing throats viciously uncontrollable insanity
Tear out the beating heart
Engulf the quivering spleen, chew the meat
Death is my life
Life is to decay victims
Meet my blade carving out organs, a world of pain
And terror, visionsof the future
Premonition of the evil
Forthcoming, eve of darkness
Eyes torn out bodies cut in half
Twisted corpses hang
From broken necks, demented madman unholy rampage
Impaled cranium beginning to drain
[ paroles ]
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The Serenity Of Suffering
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Hardwired...To Self-Destruct
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The Plague Within