zonemetal > paroles > Nile > Amongst The Catacombs Of Nephren-Ka
Amongst The Catacombs Of Nephren-Ka | paroles / lyrics
Smashing The Antiu
Burning of the Defeated
Dragging The fettered Rebels
To the Block of Slaughter
Decapitated Headless
Naked and Bound
Captives Adorn my Shield
Arms Tied behind their Backs
Lying Bound in Agony
Fiends Hold them with Ropes
Awaiting Beheadment and Mutilation
With Contempt for the Vanquished
We Exterminate the
Dwellers of the Eastern Desert
They are Doomed to Slaughter
We stab their bodies with Daggers
We Smash their Skulls with Clubs
We Crush their Bones
And Gash their Faces
Their Necks are Broken and Severed
Their Bowels are Gored with Spears
Yeah ! We Hack off their Limbs
And Cast the Phalluses
Into Pits of Fire
Smashing the Antiu
Barra Edinazzu
Zi Anna Kanpa
Zi Kia Kanpa
Gallu Barra
Namtar Barra
Ashak Barra
Gigim Barra
Alal Barra
Telal Barra
Masquim Barra
Utukku Barra
Idpa Barra
Lalartu Barra
Lalassu Barra
Akhkharu Barra
Urukku Barra
Kielgalal Barra
Lilitu Barra
Utuq Xul Edinazzu
Alla Xul Edinazzu
Gigim Xul Edinazzu
Mulla Xul Edinazzu
Dinger Xul Edinazzu
Masquim Xul Edinazzu
Barra Edinazzu
Zi Anna Kanpa
Zi Kia Kanpa
Kudurru Maqlu
[ Instrumental ]
Serpent Headed Mask
Aa-herit Nebu Huit-Ra
We come before Thee wearing serpent headed Masks
In sanguinary worship we offer the Tcheser-t Senfiu
The sacrificial drink of the Gods of Blood
in a goblet carved from a human skull
Fiendish blood drinking reptile Lord of the Ankhit-Thekh
rites of bloodfeast
We propitiate Thee with our own fluid of life
and the freely offered flesh of these ritual prostitutes
that Thou mayest copulate with thine self
and spill Thy seed upon the Black Earth
Aui-f-em-kha-nef Netri nek khefa
We don the Abui ames Machta the ceremonial two horned phallus
to become as like unto the two horned serpent god Sekhui
We besmear ourselves with the bloodseed of
the living serpent goddess Arati
And with curved blades
shed our skin
Ramses Bringer Of War
Wretched Fallen one of Khatti
Rise against the oppressing Sword
Encircled Abandoned Alone
I Smite the vile Hittite Foe
My Father Amon what carest Thee
For the Vile and Ignorant of God
My Father Amon what carest Thee
For these Effeminate ones
At millions of whom I groweth not Pale
Raging like Menthu like Baal in his Hour
Lo the mighty Sekhmet is with Me
I enter in among them even as a hawk striketh
I slay I hew to pieces and cast to the ground
The royal snake upon my brow
Spits forth Fire in the face of mine enemies
And Burneth their Limbs
My Chariot Wheels trample the Fallen
Cut to pieces before my Steeds
And laying
In their own Blood
I Crush the Skulls of the Dying
And Sever the hands of the Slain
I Ramses
Builder of Temples
Usurper of Monuments Slayer of Hittites
Bringer of War
Stones Of Sorrow
Slaves Whipped to Death
In the Hot Sun
Drag the Stones of Sorrow
Vast Monolithic a Collossus of Stone
Greased with the Blood of Abraham
Of Human Bondage
and Suffering
We carve a monument to Megalomania
Bleak and Endless is my Sorrow
For the chain of Sut
Is around my Neck
Aperu Heseb Semedet!
It is I who lift up the arm of the Inert
I have gone out of Khemenu
and am no longer a living soul
I have been initiated into the hearts of the Baboons
And I claim Dominion over the legions
of Uninscribed Shabitiu
Khunumu Khufu!
The God Khnum is my Protector
Die Rache Krieg Lied Der Assyriche
Ia Namtaru
Ia Lammia
Ia Asaku
Ia Pazuzu
Ia Zixul zi Azkak
Ia Gula zi Pazu
Alal uggae Utukku Xul
Ia Ia Pazuzu
Ia Ningursu Ia Ia Umduggu
Shemti Shebui Nehenkau
Addu Nergal Arrallu
Nergal dread God of War and Plague
Avenge the shades of our Fallen ones
Blacken the sun with Fierce Winds
Bring forth your Terrible Storms!
Yea! Burn the flesh of our Enemies
Gash their throats with Weapons of Iron
Destroy Them utterly
With Locusts and Disease
The Howling Of the Jinn
Nafs I Ammara
Fana Azif
I am the Infidel
Fiendish Insects encircle Me
Howling Wind Wraiths
Surround my disembodied Ka
Hideous Unseen
Speaking in Tongues
Heard only by the Mad
Shrieking Insects Swarm over Me
Suffocate Me
Suffocate my Soul
Majnun I am Empty
Crawling Reptiles Devour my Soul
They utterly and completely Annihilate Me
I can hear the Howling of the Djinn
Echoing in the mountains of Kaf
Pestilence And Iniquity
Heralds of Pestilence
Blackest Plague Rusheth through the Land
Burning Evil Winds
Carry Sickness
Invoking the Bitter Venom of the Gods
Loathsome Sickening Stench of the Defiled
A Cesspool Breeding the Unclean
Hordes of Locusts
Fiends of the South Winds
Cleanse the Earth from the Impure
The Daemon That Siezeth the Body
The Daemon that Rendeth the Body
Ruthless and Profane
Lord of all Fevers and Plagues
Grinning Dark Angel of the four Wings
Spawn of Eng
Horned God with rotting Genitalia
Opening Of The Mouth
I split open your Eyes for you
I open your mouth for you
With the Adze of Iron
Which split open the mouths of the Gods
The Iron which issueth from Set
With the Adze of Iron
I did clean your Bones
With Iron Hook and Chisel
I did scrape your Flesh
And separate your Bones for you
Sebau Fiends work Evil
On the Body
Raise yourself Asari
Receive your Head
Collect your Bones
Gather your limbs Together
Throw off the Earth from your Flesh
Khnemet-Ur cometh to Thee
With the Iron of Set
I hath Violated Thee
With this Phallus of Iron
I hath committed Sodomy upon Thee
And forced upon thee my Seed
Beneath Eternal Oceans Of Sand
In the cosmos
There is balm as well as bitterness
And that balm is Nepenthe.
Yet underneath endless oceans of sand
I have not forgotten
Those who had betrayed me.
Silent and unmovable,
I am not sorry
For I had hated the light.
Now I ride with the undead
Across the night-sky
And play by day
Amongst the catacombs of Nephren-Ka
In the sealed and unknown
Valley of Hadoth by the Nile.
I know that light is not for me
Save that of the moon over the rock tombs of Neb
Nor any debauchery save the unknown feasts of Nitokris
Beneath the great pyramid.
But in the loneliness of entombment,
I welcome the bitterness of alienage.
Burning of the Defeated
Dragging The fettered Rebels
To the Block of Slaughter
Decapitated Headless
Naked and Bound
Captives Adorn my Shield
Arms Tied behind their Backs
Lying Bound in Agony
Fiends Hold them with Ropes
Awaiting Beheadment and Mutilation
With Contempt for the Vanquished
We Exterminate the
Dwellers of the Eastern Desert
They are Doomed to Slaughter
We stab their bodies with Daggers
We Smash their Skulls with Clubs
We Crush their Bones
And Gash their Faces
Their Necks are Broken and Severed
Their Bowels are Gored with Spears
Yeah ! We Hack off their Limbs
And Cast the Phalluses
Into Pits of Fire
Smashing the Antiu
Barra Edinazzu
Zi Anna Kanpa
Zi Kia Kanpa
Gallu Barra
Namtar Barra
Ashak Barra
Gigim Barra
Alal Barra
Telal Barra
Masquim Barra
Utukku Barra
Idpa Barra
Lalartu Barra
Lalassu Barra
Akhkharu Barra
Urukku Barra
Kielgalal Barra
Lilitu Barra
Utuq Xul Edinazzu
Alla Xul Edinazzu
Gigim Xul Edinazzu
Mulla Xul Edinazzu
Dinger Xul Edinazzu
Masquim Xul Edinazzu
Barra Edinazzu
Zi Anna Kanpa
Zi Kia Kanpa
Kudurru Maqlu
[ Instrumental ]
Serpent Headed Mask
Aa-herit Nebu Huit-Ra
We come before Thee wearing serpent headed Masks
In sanguinary worship we offer the Tcheser-t Senfiu
The sacrificial drink of the Gods of Blood
in a goblet carved from a human skull
Fiendish blood drinking reptile Lord of the Ankhit-Thekh
rites of bloodfeast
We propitiate Thee with our own fluid of life
and the freely offered flesh of these ritual prostitutes
that Thou mayest copulate with thine self
and spill Thy seed upon the Black Earth
Aui-f-em-kha-nef Netri nek khefa
We don the Abui ames Machta the ceremonial two horned phallus
to become as like unto the two horned serpent god Sekhui
We besmear ourselves with the bloodseed of
the living serpent goddess Arati
And with curved blades
shed our skin
Ramses Bringer Of War
Wretched Fallen one of Khatti
Rise against the oppressing Sword
Encircled Abandoned Alone
I Smite the vile Hittite Foe
My Father Amon what carest Thee
For the Vile and Ignorant of God
My Father Amon what carest Thee
For these Effeminate ones
At millions of whom I groweth not Pale
Raging like Menthu like Baal in his Hour
Lo the mighty Sekhmet is with Me
I enter in among them even as a hawk striketh
I slay I hew to pieces and cast to the ground
The royal snake upon my brow
Spits forth Fire in the face of mine enemies
And Burneth their Limbs
My Chariot Wheels trample the Fallen
Cut to pieces before my Steeds
And laying
In their own Blood
I Crush the Skulls of the Dying
And Sever the hands of the Slain
I Ramses
Builder of Temples
Usurper of Monuments Slayer of Hittites
Bringer of War
Stones Of Sorrow
Slaves Whipped to Death
In the Hot Sun
Drag the Stones of Sorrow
Vast Monolithic a Collossus of Stone
Greased with the Blood of Abraham
Of Human Bondage
and Suffering
We carve a monument to Megalomania
Bleak and Endless is my Sorrow
For the chain of Sut
Is around my Neck
Aperu Heseb Semedet!
It is I who lift up the arm of the Inert
I have gone out of Khemenu
and am no longer a living soul
I have been initiated into the hearts of the Baboons
And I claim Dominion over the legions
of Uninscribed Shabitiu
Khunumu Khufu!
The God Khnum is my Protector
Die Rache Krieg Lied Der Assyriche
Ia Namtaru
Ia Lammia
Ia Asaku
Ia Pazuzu
Ia Zixul zi Azkak
Ia Gula zi Pazu
Alal uggae Utukku Xul
Ia Ia Pazuzu
Ia Ningursu Ia Ia Umduggu
Shemti Shebui Nehenkau
Addu Nergal Arrallu
Nergal dread God of War and Plague
Avenge the shades of our Fallen ones
Blacken the sun with Fierce Winds
Bring forth your Terrible Storms!
Yea! Burn the flesh of our Enemies
Gash their throats with Weapons of Iron
Destroy Them utterly
With Locusts and Disease
The Howling Of the Jinn
Nafs I Ammara
Fana Azif
I am the Infidel
Fiendish Insects encircle Me
Howling Wind Wraiths
Surround my disembodied Ka
Hideous Unseen
Speaking in Tongues
Heard only by the Mad
Shrieking Insects Swarm over Me
Suffocate Me
Suffocate my Soul
Majnun I am Empty
Crawling Reptiles Devour my Soul
They utterly and completely Annihilate Me
I can hear the Howling of the Djinn
Echoing in the mountains of Kaf
Pestilence And Iniquity
Heralds of Pestilence
Blackest Plague Rusheth through the Land
Burning Evil Winds
Carry Sickness
Invoking the Bitter Venom of the Gods
Loathsome Sickening Stench of the Defiled
A Cesspool Breeding the Unclean
Hordes of Locusts
Fiends of the South Winds
Cleanse the Earth from the Impure
The Daemon That Siezeth the Body
The Daemon that Rendeth the Body
Ruthless and Profane
Lord of all Fevers and Plagues
Grinning Dark Angel of the four Wings
Spawn of Eng
Horned God with rotting Genitalia
Opening Of The Mouth
I split open your Eyes for you
I open your mouth for you
With the Adze of Iron
Which split open the mouths of the Gods
The Iron which issueth from Set
With the Adze of Iron
I did clean your Bones
With Iron Hook and Chisel
I did scrape your Flesh
And separate your Bones for you
Sebau Fiends work Evil
On the Body
Raise yourself Asari
Receive your Head
Collect your Bones
Gather your limbs Together
Throw off the Earth from your Flesh
Khnemet-Ur cometh to Thee
With the Iron of Set
I hath Violated Thee
With this Phallus of Iron
I hath committed Sodomy upon Thee
And forced upon thee my Seed
Beneath Eternal Oceans Of Sand
In the cosmos
There is balm as well as bitterness
And that balm is Nepenthe.
Yet underneath endless oceans of sand
I have not forgotten
Those who had betrayed me.
Silent and unmovable,
I am not sorry
For I had hated the light.
Now I ride with the undead
Across the night-sky
And play by day
Amongst the catacombs of Nephren-Ka
In the sealed and unknown
Valley of Hadoth by the Nile.
I know that light is not for me
Save that of the moon over the rock tombs of Neb
Nor any debauchery save the unknown feasts of Nitokris
Beneath the great pyramid.
But in the loneliness of entombment,
I welcome the bitterness of alienage.
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