zonemetal > paroles > Nile > Black Seeds Of Vengeance
Black Seeds Of Vengeance | paroles / lyrics
Invocation Of The Gate Of Aat-Ankh-Es-En-Amenti
[ Instrumental ]
Black Seeds Of Vengeance
The scourge of Amalek is upon you,The seed of Amu hath oppressed you
They hath urinated upon you and made you eat feces
They know not Ra
They are the enemies of Asar,they hath defiled your tombs
Violated your women and made victims of your little ones
They hath befouled the writings of Thoth
They hath burned sacred papyri,they hath cracked open your heads
Smashed your teeth and gouged out your eyes
They hacked off your limbs and thrown your mutilated bodies
Towards the heavens mocking Ra
Let not their seeds multiply among you
Honour not their wretched little Gods
Crawl not on your bellies before them,war shall you make upon them
Plague and pestilence shall you call down upon them
You must destroy their seed utterly,you shall gash them with flints
You shall gore them with sticks,hack off their testicles
And cut their phalluses to pieces,suffer none of them to live
Dismemberment and slaughter shall you perform on them
The mighty Sekhmet will devour them
The chain of Sut is around their neck,Horus hammereth them
Nepthys hacketh them to bits,the eye of Ra eateth into their faces
Their carcasses will be consumed in the desert
The seed of Amu with perish utterly
Their filth shall never breed among you again
We shall blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under the sky.
Defiling The Gates Of Ishtar
Impure am I,impure I spill my seed upon barren earth
And spit in the faces of the Goddess,unclean am I
Unclean I copulate with the hands of the God
And defile the Gates of Ishtar
Unblessed am I,unrepentant
Buh Luh Uh
Si il Inanna
As Gi Su Ak
Gis Tes
Gis Tes
Unwashed am I,unwashed I lay violent hands
Upon the altar of the Goddess,in filth I lay,in filth i desecrate
And profane the Temple of Ishtar
And blaspheme in the presence of whores
Baad Angarru
Open the Gate that I may enter,open,lest I break down the walls
Open the Gate,lest I cause the dead to outnumber the living
Open the Gate,lest i cause the dead to rise and to devour the living
The Black Flame
Withdraw Thy Phallus Baboui,open the Gates of the Dust
For I am Burning in Aataakhu,chains bind me,flames encircle me
And burn my flesh open
For Me the Gates Shall Open,over the Fire of the Spirit
The Breth Drawn by the Gods,arise Apophis Return
That I Might Return,borne by the Flame
Drawn by the Gods Who Clear the Way,that I Might Pass
The Gods Which Sprang from the Drops of Blood,which Dripped From
The Phallus of Set,that I might be Reborn
For I am Khetti Satha Shemsu,Seneh Nekai
And Will Become Set of a Million Years,Akhu Amenti Hekau
I shed My Burnt Skin and am Renewed
Masturbating The War God
Evil sick flames cast uncertain shadowsin the dimly lit Temple of
Anhur as we count the dead and vanquished by hacking off their
phalluses and piling the severed hands before the living stone
image of God.
The shamed and humbled women of the subjugated kneel in hopeless
Aquiescence as we grasp them by the hair and force them to serve
our father Anhur.
Yea we impale them on the massive stone member of the Ithyphallic
War God until the backs of their throats are torn out and their
bowels are ripped apart.
One by one we force the female captives to serve the Ahati until
the Gods legs are awash with blood and his phallus drips with
red and black gore Un snem sheth tesher mekhsefu parthal m aba
neth Anhur.
We lay our bloodstained weapons of Iron on the altar of Anhur and
His Seed blesses us with strength to slay our enemies Like as unto
Menthu we have become Ithyphallic.
The mighty Sekhmet is with us.
Multitude Of Foes
Sep Au Hetep
Ab Au Mekhar Gau t Metkh
Mekhar t Khhert Ua an Aqu
Mekri Sau t Athien Hapti
Tehem Er Sa Msa
I Call Upon Thee My Father Amun for I am in the midst of A
Multitude of Foes
Abandoned by the Legions of Amun and Ra
Engulfed by the Heat of the Fire
Blood of the Impure Drips from my Weapons
Dismembered armies Rot in the Sun
Mekhi Kherit Au Aqu
Mtum thai Peten Nekht An Aqu
Chapter For Transforming Into A Snake
I am a Long Lived Snake,I Pass the Night and Am Reborn Every Day
I am the Snale which is in the Limits of the Earth
I Pass the Night and am Reborn,Renewed and Rejuvenated Every Day
I am a Crocodile immersed in Dread
I am the Crocodile who Takes by Robbery
I am the Great and Mighty Loathsome Reptile
Who is in the Bitter Waters
I am the Lord of those who Bow Down in Sekhem
Nas Ankhu Khan She En Asbiu
Nas Aakhu Khan She en Asbiu
Ua tehani,Ua temam,Ua khames Re Per Akhu
Ua khames em bah khan She en Amu
Ua khames em bah khan She en Seshet
Temam aakhu Thaui,Temam aakhu Shemsu Satha
Saakhu Nebu Tchaut,Saakhu Nebu Khebentiu
Snemeh em bah Akhu-Ager
Tata ab uk em She en Asbiu
Ta-ua Akh uk em She en Nesersert
Meh u She en Shemmet,Meh u She en Shamu
Ua uk,Ua uk,Ua uk Aat en Khet
Ua uk,Ua uk,Ua uk
To Dream Of Ur
Desolate and Forsaken,Eerily Moaning Dark Winds
Murmur Incantations,Dusk Calls Forth Shadows
Spirits of the Glorious Dead Lingering,Bound to this Place
They Whisper of Untold Sagas,of Long Dead Cities
the Seven Shining Cities Sacred to the Aphkhallu
of Ages Past when the World was Young
When Babylon was Blessed of Marduk
and the Sound of her Armies was the Blare of Ominous War Horns
and the Clash of Immortal Cymbals
of Bronze Gates Arrayed in Splendour
and Magnificent Walls of Sunbaked Brick of Temples of Marble
and Bloodstained Altars,Long Before the Jeweled Throne of Ur
Fell Silent and Turned to Dust
Beneath the Endless Shifting Sands
and the Inevitable Vengeance of the Elements
Khetti Satha Shemsu
Khetti Satha Shemsu (x3)
Khetti Satha Seneh
Khetti Satha Tehen
Khetti Satha Tua
Khetti Satha Kesu
Khetti Satha Sethes
Khetti Satha Sekhu
Khetti Satha Senes
Khetti Satha Suti
Khetti Satha Sekhem (x3)
[ Instrumental ]
Black Seeds Of Vengeance
The scourge of Amalek is upon you,The seed of Amu hath oppressed you
They hath urinated upon you and made you eat feces
They know not Ra
They are the enemies of Asar,they hath defiled your tombs
Violated your women and made victims of your little ones
They hath befouled the writings of Thoth
They hath burned sacred papyri,they hath cracked open your heads
Smashed your teeth and gouged out your eyes
They hacked off your limbs and thrown your mutilated bodies
Towards the heavens mocking Ra
Let not their seeds multiply among you
Honour not their wretched little Gods
Crawl not on your bellies before them,war shall you make upon them
Plague and pestilence shall you call down upon them
You must destroy their seed utterly,you shall gash them with flints
You shall gore them with sticks,hack off their testicles
And cut their phalluses to pieces,suffer none of them to live
Dismemberment and slaughter shall you perform on them
The mighty Sekhmet will devour them
The chain of Sut is around their neck,Horus hammereth them
Nepthys hacketh them to bits,the eye of Ra eateth into their faces
Their carcasses will be consumed in the desert
The seed of Amu with perish utterly
Their filth shall never breed among you again
We shall blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under the sky.
Defiling The Gates Of Ishtar
Impure am I,impure I spill my seed upon barren earth
And spit in the faces of the Goddess,unclean am I
Unclean I copulate with the hands of the God
And defile the Gates of Ishtar
Unblessed am I,unrepentant
Buh Luh Uh
Si il Inanna
As Gi Su Ak
Gis Tes
Gis Tes
Unwashed am I,unwashed I lay violent hands
Upon the altar of the Goddess,in filth I lay,in filth i desecrate
And profane the Temple of Ishtar
And blaspheme in the presence of whores
Baad Angarru
Open the Gate that I may enter,open,lest I break down the walls
Open the Gate,lest I cause the dead to outnumber the living
Open the Gate,lest i cause the dead to rise and to devour the living
The Black Flame
Withdraw Thy Phallus Baboui,open the Gates of the Dust
For I am Burning in Aataakhu,chains bind me,flames encircle me
And burn my flesh open
For Me the Gates Shall Open,over the Fire of the Spirit
The Breth Drawn by the Gods,arise Apophis Return
That I Might Return,borne by the Flame
Drawn by the Gods Who Clear the Way,that I Might Pass
The Gods Which Sprang from the Drops of Blood,which Dripped From
The Phallus of Set,that I might be Reborn
For I am Khetti Satha Shemsu,Seneh Nekai
And Will Become Set of a Million Years,Akhu Amenti Hekau
I shed My Burnt Skin and am Renewed
Masturbating The War God
Evil sick flames cast uncertain shadowsin the dimly lit Temple of
Anhur as we count the dead and vanquished by hacking off their
phalluses and piling the severed hands before the living stone
image of God.
The shamed and humbled women of the subjugated kneel in hopeless
Aquiescence as we grasp them by the hair and force them to serve
our father Anhur.
Yea we impale them on the massive stone member of the Ithyphallic
War God until the backs of their throats are torn out and their
bowels are ripped apart.
One by one we force the female captives to serve the Ahati until
the Gods legs are awash with blood and his phallus drips with
red and black gore Un snem sheth tesher mekhsefu parthal m aba
neth Anhur.
We lay our bloodstained weapons of Iron on the altar of Anhur and
His Seed blesses us with strength to slay our enemies Like as unto
Menthu we have become Ithyphallic.
The mighty Sekhmet is with us.
Multitude Of Foes
Sep Au Hetep
Ab Au Mekhar Gau t Metkh
Mekhar t Khhert Ua an Aqu
Mekri Sau t Athien Hapti
Tehem Er Sa Msa
I Call Upon Thee My Father Amun for I am in the midst of A
Multitude of Foes
Abandoned by the Legions of Amun and Ra
Engulfed by the Heat of the Fire
Blood of the Impure Drips from my Weapons
Dismembered armies Rot in the Sun
Mekhi Kherit Au Aqu
Mtum thai Peten Nekht An Aqu
Chapter For Transforming Into A Snake
I am a Long Lived Snake,I Pass the Night and Am Reborn Every Day
I am the Snale which is in the Limits of the Earth
I Pass the Night and am Reborn,Renewed and Rejuvenated Every Day
I am a Crocodile immersed in Dread
I am the Crocodile who Takes by Robbery
I am the Great and Mighty Loathsome Reptile
Who is in the Bitter Waters
I am the Lord of those who Bow Down in Sekhem
Nas Ankhu Khan She En Asbiu
Nas Aakhu Khan She en Asbiu
Ua tehani,Ua temam,Ua khames Re Per Akhu
Ua khames em bah khan She en Amu
Ua khames em bah khan She en Seshet
Temam aakhu Thaui,Temam aakhu Shemsu Satha
Saakhu Nebu Tchaut,Saakhu Nebu Khebentiu
Snemeh em bah Akhu-Ager
Tata ab uk em She en Asbiu
Ta-ua Akh uk em She en Nesersert
Meh u She en Shemmet,Meh u She en Shamu
Ua uk,Ua uk,Ua uk Aat en Khet
Ua uk,Ua uk,Ua uk
To Dream Of Ur
Desolate and Forsaken,Eerily Moaning Dark Winds
Murmur Incantations,Dusk Calls Forth Shadows
Spirits of the Glorious Dead Lingering,Bound to this Place
They Whisper of Untold Sagas,of Long Dead Cities
the Seven Shining Cities Sacred to the Aphkhallu
of Ages Past when the World was Young
When Babylon was Blessed of Marduk
and the Sound of her Armies was the Blare of Ominous War Horns
and the Clash of Immortal Cymbals
of Bronze Gates Arrayed in Splendour
and Magnificent Walls of Sunbaked Brick of Temples of Marble
and Bloodstained Altars,Long Before the Jeweled Throne of Ur
Fell Silent and Turned to Dust
Beneath the Endless Shifting Sands
and the Inevitable Vengeance of the Elements
Khetti Satha Shemsu
Khetti Satha Shemsu (x3)
Khetti Satha Seneh
Khetti Satha Tehen
Khetti Satha Tua
Khetti Satha Kesu
Khetti Satha Sethes
Khetti Satha Sekhu
Khetti Satha Senes
Khetti Satha Suti
Khetti Satha Sekhem (x3)
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