zonemetal > paroles > Behemoth > The Apostasy
The Apostasy | paroles / lyrics
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01- Rome 64 C.E.
02- Slaying The Prophets Ov Isa
03- Prometherion
04- At The Left Hand Ov God
05- Kriegsphilosophie
06- Be Without Fear
07- Arcana Hereticae
08- Libertheme
09- Inner Sanctum
10- Pazuzu
11- Christgrinding Avenue
02- Slaying The Prophets Ov Isa
03- Prometherion
04- At The Left Hand Ov God
05- Kriegsphilosophie
06- Be Without Fear
07- Arcana Hereticae
08- Libertheme
09- Inner Sanctum
10- Pazuzu
11- Christgrinding Avenue
Rome 64 C.E.
[ Instrumental ]
Slaying The Prophets Ov Isa
Ascend as empires burn
Conquistadors ov the promised land
Like the sons ov Anak
They shall rise from beyond the dawn
Rise as victorious trumpets call
Chimera, Geryon and Thee oh Sphinx!
Accompanied by Mars
Jupiter's rays in fearless eyes unrestrained
Bring forth the iron rain!
Bring forth plagues on an ever failing race!
Thou shalt restore the splendor ov Sodom
Personification ov Gommorah art Thou
Iron-willed marching on ahead
With passion enraged threats torn asunder
Fill my veins with liquid iron
Armor chest and head with shining gold
That I may shake the fragile earth
May my will forever be unrestrained
Bring forth the iron rain!
Bring forth plagues on an ever failing race!
Great architect
Charlatan ov fairy tales
Thou hast failed
Since the hour bastard spawn
Who was vomited forth
From a gasping wound ov a whore
Father, forgive me not
For I have sinned
Now tremble and fear
And mercy have not upon me
Begotten son I am not
Adversary ov Thy love
The outcast ov Thy paradise
As one we stand!
Divide and conquer!
And we shall own this fuckin' earth!
The all prophetic incantation
I was here before the beginning came
And I am the one to come after all myths and gods
Remain I shall beyond the end ov days
I pity Thee not oh self despising slave
Thy self contempt filled with disgust
Cast aside Thy scorn ov the earth
Until I lay my wrath upon the Thee I shall...
Eat the weak!
Fuck the flesh!
Slit the throat!
Consume the dead!
Drowned in empty black
Attempt to embrace my universe
I learnt how to crawl through knives and thorns
Drowned in alienation
I drag myself through the mud
Hatred injected, abhorrence accepted
When mankind fall prey
I shall arise!
And Great Dragon from my mouth emerged
And all the treasures ov this world belong to me
In the sweetest inorganic embrace ov my devotee
I pledge my dagger unto Thee
Blessed with the Promethean rain
Tranquility I may find in bottomless pits
I shall carry this darkness on my back
'Till the day all the suns eclipse I shall...
Eat the weak!
Fuck the flesh!
Slit the throat!
Consume the dead!
At The Left Hand Ov God
O, Serpent and Lion!
I invoke Thee!
Inside the shrine called life
By the seven wonders
By myriad mortals
That gone
And are to come
Outside desert ov restriction
In act ov rebellion
On the sea ov motion
Stability ov matter
By serenity, strength and beauty
By the mighty chant ov every breath
In serpentine dance ov blood cells
In simplicity ov spells
Divine names, meta-games
I greet Thy presence
Oh Snake! Thou art God!
Coiled underneath my throne
With Thee I reunite
With blood we make this covenant
Myself I redefine
Look in and above:
There is more than the flesh
Look careful and Thou may see
The unextinguished flame
The nectar ov Thy rage
I taste from the cup ov fornication
And woman by my side
And scarlet is her skin
She's eager to rise
And so eager to please
Another day
Another eternity gone
And on the stairway to salvation
I walk alone among the falling stars
Looking for company
Where art Thou ?
Oh, lacerate ones!
Arise! my sweetest friend
Or be forever fallen
We have finally arrived
From prison ov this life
To Kali's womb
Down to the earth
As angels ov almighty god-
'Tis our last fall
To touch our mother whore
The harlot ov the saints
That spits on the rotten cross
Incinerate the icon
The symbol ov all loss
To stand straight
At the left hand ov god
Samael! be Thou my ally!
Join me among the bright hosts
Wondering neither way ov light
Nor darkness
Ov which seed
Sprouts dispassionately
In the summer ov my life
From long forgotten aeons
At sunrise Thou shouldst come
Desired for so fuckin' long
Ascend at my command
Surmount the sea
Throw open portals ov life
And scale this endless mountain
Ov grace and ov tears
Oh voice unspoken, mourn unheard
Abandoned heart so desolate
Bow down before the kingless throne
When sun is yet to rise
Consume this putrid sphere!
Forever and beyond...
When heavenly chants mute
Thy apparition did I behold oh Venus, the sweetest ov them all
Let me bathe in Thy divinity
Descend! and Thou hast descended
Depart not yet!
I crave for warmth ov blissful rays
And fateless eyes encourage me
The ancient dreaming
The wolf's unchained
Disobedience has such a victorious taste...
Bow down before the kingless throne
When sun is yet to rise
Consume this putrid sphere!
Forever and beyond...
Forever abandoned among gods
...Since I have been made flesh,
And yet I challenge Thee!
Canst Thou hear my battle cry ?
Non serviam my friends.
There are no gods beyond those made ov human flesh.
There is no more divine potential than a human potential and let this be the mightiest ov all laws!
Be Without Fear
Behold the throne ov burning gold
And all the evil that it shelters
Yet I be monarch myself
Offering more than others give
Materialize the ashes ov Elysium burned
Not even angels dare to bid farewell
Annihilate this Eden now
Blasphemy gives birth to divine
Feed my flame!
Rape these wounds!
Raise me high!
Through Thy rage my will manifests
I truly am my own redeemer
Blindly I follow none but myself
Without fear I am
Unhallowed be my name
Myself am hell and hell I shall unleash
I laugh at Thee to scorn
Mock Thy majesty
Pour forth my chalice ov victory
Hear my call!
Bless my path!
Lift me up!
Through Thy wrath my will manifests
Feed my flame!
Rape these wounds!
Raise me high!
Through Thy rage my will manifests
Hear my call!
Bless my path!
Lift me up!
Through Thy wrath my will manifests
Arcana Hereticae
What fool are ye!
From zenith to nadir
Through externalized purity
Sealed ye gates ov your own paradise
Skakti, Kali Ma, Durga Ma
Thou art pure in Thy sinistry
For those who cannot see
The Unconditioned One!
Creatrix, Matrix, Devourer!
Thee who spits out sun
From thy mouth
In endless momentum -
Kamala's menstruum
On road to immortality
We go against current
To the womb ov Kali
Through the mouth ov Bhairavi
To the final dawn ov Chaos
How come we're still alive ?
In these kingdoms ov filth
When heaven's so abstract
And hell is so real...
Split my skin, fuck my wounds
Desecrate the Inner Sanctum in which I hide
Drag me through the mud, blind my whitening eyes
That I may see darkness in the tunnels ov light
Pain I cannot deny
As I rot in this empty shell
Swamped in disaffection
Introducing to my newborn hell
Be it not so!
Thou shall see me not in agony
Failure was and is no option
'Tis my undying self
The ever wandering son ov the morn
Abandoned, yet never to be conquered
I never mourn, I never look back as long as Thy phosphoric rays
Grant me more pleasure than pain
I, who is evil can receive no good
Though I still crave, I'm yearning for
Thy healing touch ov grace...
Pain is timeless
When I question the laws ov god
Drowned in everlasting confusion
Caress my hate against the mob
Be it not so!
Thou shall see me not in agony
Failure was and is no option
'Tis my undying self
The ever wandering son ov the morn
Abandoned, yet never to be conquered
The opponent!
My life's work is complete...
Inner Sanctum
In my church ov disbelief
It canst get no better
When days turn from black to grey
In church ov indifference
So innocent in their guilt
Perfect in their imperfection
Let my children play
In my church ov liberation
When doubts and fears wither away
I stand alone vs. the world
In the church ov man
Where god is trapped in human flesh
I never pray
In church ov pain
I spoil none but myself
Yet my monologue's unheard
In my church ov hope
Yearning for Thy sweet embrace
The waters ov Styx I have crossed
In this church ov sulphur rain
Flaming mouth ov Sheol
In my church ov broken word
It's so little that I ask
The brightest ov the days
The darkest ov the nights
What once was
I wish no longer be
Fear ov separation is no more
One cosmic breath-the whole eternity
Unbroken flow ov awareness conquers entropy
The voyager, bathed in venusian rays
Let them shine through me
Split the seas
Awake inner divinity
The flame ov awareness comes to my eyes
Hark the howl ov pestilential wind!
Atem, devourer ov life forever blackening!
Sculpted in stone by the Assyrian wind
Semen ov Hanpa has vomited Thee forth
Reveal to us overwhelming might
Release Thy rage destroyer ov lies
Hark the howl ov pestilential wind!
Atem, devourer ov life forever blackening!
Unveil the primal chaos within Thyself
Daughter ov Anu slain, Lamashtu annihilate!
Reveal to us overwhelming might
Release Thy rage destroyer ov lies
Transcending the wrath ov The Great Black
Slay the reptile!
Slay I command!
May 107 complete the cycle
When aeon ov Seth emerges
The desert storms can not be tamed
When concubine ov chaos begins her dance
Reveal to us overwhelming might
Release Thy rage destroyer ov lies
Christgrinding Avenue
Spreading sickness and disease among the men
Grubby creed!
What are ye but the soulless meat ?
Cancer consuming Thy race from inside
No grace awaits Thee in the crying skies above
I'm on my way
Destination hell
By the power ov will
I shall complete
The devil's work
Vultures attack!
May hell unlock overpowering might
Mourn not, my comrades!
Thou art fateless in the blinding light
On the altar ov liberation crucify the whore
Drink to crucifixion
For oppression is no more!
Slay the whore!
Make it bleed,
Make it weep
Let it die forever more
Slit the throat!
Let them rot
Let them pay
Let em taste their own blood
Make em crawl!
Upon this corpse
I shall feast
'Till no hope remains for the twisted mob!
Raise Thy sword of judgment, loose the iron rain
Beat the drum
No earthly power
May hinder nor stop Thee
Manifestation ov Mut
Protector ov Ma'at
I call upon the most divine
To spew forth this infecting dust ov life
I'm on my way
Destination hell
By the power ov will
I shall complete
The devil's work
[ Instrumental ]
Slaying The Prophets Ov Isa
Ascend as empires burn
Conquistadors ov the promised land
Like the sons ov Anak
They shall rise from beyond the dawn
Rise as victorious trumpets call
Chimera, Geryon and Thee oh Sphinx!
Accompanied by Mars
Jupiter's rays in fearless eyes unrestrained
Bring forth the iron rain!
Bring forth plagues on an ever failing race!
Thou shalt restore the splendor ov Sodom
Personification ov Gommorah art Thou
Iron-willed marching on ahead
With passion enraged threats torn asunder
Fill my veins with liquid iron
Armor chest and head with shining gold
That I may shake the fragile earth
May my will forever be unrestrained
Bring forth the iron rain!
Bring forth plagues on an ever failing race!
Great architect
Charlatan ov fairy tales
Thou hast failed
Since the hour bastard spawn
Who was vomited forth
From a gasping wound ov a whore
Father, forgive me not
For I have sinned
Now tremble and fear
And mercy have not upon me
Begotten son I am not
Adversary ov Thy love
The outcast ov Thy paradise
As one we stand!
Divide and conquer!
And we shall own this fuckin' earth!
The all prophetic incantation
I was here before the beginning came
And I am the one to come after all myths and gods
Remain I shall beyond the end ov days
I pity Thee not oh self despising slave
Thy self contempt filled with disgust
Cast aside Thy scorn ov the earth
Until I lay my wrath upon the Thee I shall...
Eat the weak!
Fuck the flesh!
Slit the throat!
Consume the dead!
Drowned in empty black
Attempt to embrace my universe
I learnt how to crawl through knives and thorns
Drowned in alienation
I drag myself through the mud
Hatred injected, abhorrence accepted
When mankind fall prey
I shall arise!
And Great Dragon from my mouth emerged
And all the treasures ov this world belong to me
In the sweetest inorganic embrace ov my devotee
I pledge my dagger unto Thee
Blessed with the Promethean rain
Tranquility I may find in bottomless pits
I shall carry this darkness on my back
'Till the day all the suns eclipse I shall...
Eat the weak!
Fuck the flesh!
Slit the throat!
Consume the dead!
At The Left Hand Ov God
O, Serpent and Lion!
I invoke Thee!
Inside the shrine called life
By the seven wonders
By myriad mortals
That gone
And are to come
Outside desert ov restriction
In act ov rebellion
On the sea ov motion
Stability ov matter
By serenity, strength and beauty
By the mighty chant ov every breath
In serpentine dance ov blood cells
In simplicity ov spells
Divine names, meta-games
I greet Thy presence
Oh Snake! Thou art God!
Coiled underneath my throne
With Thee I reunite
With blood we make this covenant
Myself I redefine
Look in and above:
There is more than the flesh
Look careful and Thou may see
The unextinguished flame
The nectar ov Thy rage
I taste from the cup ov fornication
And woman by my side
And scarlet is her skin
She's eager to rise
And so eager to please
Another day
Another eternity gone
And on the stairway to salvation
I walk alone among the falling stars
Looking for company
Where art Thou ?
Oh, lacerate ones!
Arise! my sweetest friend
Or be forever fallen
We have finally arrived
From prison ov this life
To Kali's womb
Down to the earth
As angels ov almighty god-
'Tis our last fall
To touch our mother whore
The harlot ov the saints
That spits on the rotten cross
Incinerate the icon
The symbol ov all loss
To stand straight
At the left hand ov god
Samael! be Thou my ally!
Join me among the bright hosts
Wondering neither way ov light
Nor darkness
Ov which seed
Sprouts dispassionately
In the summer ov my life
From long forgotten aeons
At sunrise Thou shouldst come
Desired for so fuckin' long
Ascend at my command
Surmount the sea
Throw open portals ov life
And scale this endless mountain
Ov grace and ov tears
Oh voice unspoken, mourn unheard
Abandoned heart so desolate
Bow down before the kingless throne
When sun is yet to rise
Consume this putrid sphere!
Forever and beyond...
When heavenly chants mute
Thy apparition did I behold oh Venus, the sweetest ov them all
Let me bathe in Thy divinity
Descend! and Thou hast descended
Depart not yet!
I crave for warmth ov blissful rays
And fateless eyes encourage me
The ancient dreaming
The wolf's unchained
Disobedience has such a victorious taste...
Bow down before the kingless throne
When sun is yet to rise
Consume this putrid sphere!
Forever and beyond...
Forever abandoned among gods
...Since I have been made flesh,
And yet I challenge Thee!
Canst Thou hear my battle cry ?
Non serviam my friends.
There are no gods beyond those made ov human flesh.
There is no more divine potential than a human potential and let this be the mightiest ov all laws!
Be Without Fear
Behold the throne ov burning gold
And all the evil that it shelters
Yet I be monarch myself
Offering more than others give
Materialize the ashes ov Elysium burned
Not even angels dare to bid farewell
Annihilate this Eden now
Blasphemy gives birth to divine
Feed my flame!
Rape these wounds!
Raise me high!
Through Thy rage my will manifests
I truly am my own redeemer
Blindly I follow none but myself
Without fear I am
Unhallowed be my name
Myself am hell and hell I shall unleash
I laugh at Thee to scorn
Mock Thy majesty
Pour forth my chalice ov victory
Hear my call!
Bless my path!
Lift me up!
Through Thy wrath my will manifests
Feed my flame!
Rape these wounds!
Raise me high!
Through Thy rage my will manifests
Hear my call!
Bless my path!
Lift me up!
Through Thy wrath my will manifests
Arcana Hereticae
What fool are ye!
From zenith to nadir
Through externalized purity
Sealed ye gates ov your own paradise
Skakti, Kali Ma, Durga Ma
Thou art pure in Thy sinistry
For those who cannot see
The Unconditioned One!
Creatrix, Matrix, Devourer!
Thee who spits out sun
From thy mouth
In endless momentum -
Kamala's menstruum
On road to immortality
We go against current
To the womb ov Kali
Through the mouth ov Bhairavi
To the final dawn ov Chaos
How come we're still alive ?
In these kingdoms ov filth
When heaven's so abstract
And hell is so real...
Split my skin, fuck my wounds
Desecrate the Inner Sanctum in which I hide
Drag me through the mud, blind my whitening eyes
That I may see darkness in the tunnels ov light
Pain I cannot deny
As I rot in this empty shell
Swamped in disaffection
Introducing to my newborn hell
Be it not so!
Thou shall see me not in agony
Failure was and is no option
'Tis my undying self
The ever wandering son ov the morn
Abandoned, yet never to be conquered
I never mourn, I never look back as long as Thy phosphoric rays
Grant me more pleasure than pain
I, who is evil can receive no good
Though I still crave, I'm yearning for
Thy healing touch ov grace...
Pain is timeless
When I question the laws ov god
Drowned in everlasting confusion
Caress my hate against the mob
Be it not so!
Thou shall see me not in agony
Failure was and is no option
'Tis my undying self
The ever wandering son ov the morn
Abandoned, yet never to be conquered
The opponent!
My life's work is complete...
Inner Sanctum
In my church ov disbelief
It canst get no better
When days turn from black to grey
In church ov indifference
So innocent in their guilt
Perfect in their imperfection
Let my children play
In my church ov liberation
When doubts and fears wither away
I stand alone vs. the world
In the church ov man
Where god is trapped in human flesh
I never pray
In church ov pain
I spoil none but myself
Yet my monologue's unheard
In my church ov hope
Yearning for Thy sweet embrace
The waters ov Styx I have crossed
In this church ov sulphur rain
Flaming mouth ov Sheol
In my church ov broken word
It's so little that I ask
The brightest ov the days
The darkest ov the nights
What once was
I wish no longer be
Fear ov separation is no more
One cosmic breath-the whole eternity
Unbroken flow ov awareness conquers entropy
The voyager, bathed in venusian rays
Let them shine through me
Split the seas
Awake inner divinity
The flame ov awareness comes to my eyes
Hark the howl ov pestilential wind!
Atem, devourer ov life forever blackening!
Sculpted in stone by the Assyrian wind
Semen ov Hanpa has vomited Thee forth
Reveal to us overwhelming might
Release Thy rage destroyer ov lies
Hark the howl ov pestilential wind!
Atem, devourer ov life forever blackening!
Unveil the primal chaos within Thyself
Daughter ov Anu slain, Lamashtu annihilate!
Reveal to us overwhelming might
Release Thy rage destroyer ov lies
Transcending the wrath ov The Great Black
Slay the reptile!
Slay I command!
May 107 complete the cycle
When aeon ov Seth emerges
The desert storms can not be tamed
When concubine ov chaos begins her dance
Reveal to us overwhelming might
Release Thy rage destroyer ov lies
Christgrinding Avenue
Spreading sickness and disease among the men
Grubby creed!
What are ye but the soulless meat ?
Cancer consuming Thy race from inside
No grace awaits Thee in the crying skies above
I'm on my way
Destination hell
By the power ov will
I shall complete
The devil's work
Vultures attack!
May hell unlock overpowering might
Mourn not, my comrades!
Thou art fateless in the blinding light
On the altar ov liberation crucify the whore
Drink to crucifixion
For oppression is no more!
Slay the whore!
Make it bleed,
Make it weep
Let it die forever more
Slit the throat!
Let them rot
Let them pay
Let em taste their own blood
Make em crawl!
Upon this corpse
I shall feast
'Till no hope remains for the twisted mob!
Raise Thy sword of judgment, loose the iron rain
Beat the drum
No earthly power
May hinder nor stop Thee
Manifestation ov Mut
Protector ov Ma'at
I call upon the most divine
To spew forth this infecting dust ov life
I'm on my way
Destination hell
By the power ov will
I shall complete
The devil's work
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